Tag Archives: Freedom

Are You Prepared for the Next Wave of Muslim Terrorism?
Jural Aviv, an internationally renowned security adviser, formerly with the Israeli secret service, believes a new kind of Muslim terrorism will hit the US this year or next. He predicts that Muslim terrorists will try to hit six or so towns and cities simultaneously to demoralize Americans with the message that we aren’t secure anywhere in the […]

Obama Does Pal Around With Terrorists (and their enablers)
From RedState.com: Sarah Palin was and is right about him Tragic and serious news from TPM today, folks. Not that we couldn’t see this coming. According to eyewitness sources, under the apparently blind eye of the global media, the two leaders had lengthy conversations. The media covered the friendly photo of the initial handshake between […]

An Obama-nation (get it?)
Found the following in an email: — And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the Brainless Twits, citizens of a wondrous land called “America,” having lost their morals, their initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader the person known as ‘The One,’ He emerged from […]

Jewish Leader: Obama May Be ‘Most Hostile President to Israel’