Dep. Defense Min. Hints at Israeli Strike on Iran

The Deputy Defense Minister, MK Danny Danon (Likud-Beytenu), has penned an article in the US-based Politico website that appears to be a warning about an Israeli intention to strike Iran’s nuclear weapon facilities. The relatively short, 400-word article, refers to two previous cases in which Israel struck Islamic nuclear sites without US approval. In 1981, […]

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While Obama Remakes the Courts, Harry Reid Wants to Remake the Senate

Every few months, it seems, Harry Reid (D-NV) threatens to upend the Senate so that he can push something through without following the rules. This time, it’s the President’s judicial nominees. President Obama is already well on his way to remaking federal courts in the liberal image, but Reid insists this isn’t happening fast enough. […]

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Obama’s Foreign Fiasco

by Daniel Pipes The Washington Times August 21, 2013 It’s a privilege to be an American who works on foreign policy, as I have done since the late 1970s, participating in a small way in the grand project of finding my country’s place in the world. But now, under Barack Obama, decisions made in Washington […]

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Rep. Rohrbacher: Bush Didn’t Respond Properly to Russian School Bombing

( – Rep. Dana Rohrbacher (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats, said Friday that former President George W. Bush did not respond properly to the Beslan school bombing in 2004 in which Islamic separatist militants – mostly Chechen – killed over 380 people – about 180 of […]

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Iraq: Take a Day to Remember

Today is the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq. There will be much heated debate and discussion today about how the war began, why it began, and the results of all the effort, cost, and lives. These are all legitimate questions, but this day should be used for something more important: […]

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Spy vs. Spy, America vs. Israel

[NRO title: “No Surprises: Israel, America, and Spying”] Israelis spying on Americans is in the news again: leaders of the Jewish state just petitioned for Jonathan Pollard’s release and the Associated Press reported with alarm that U.S. national security officials at times consider Israel to be “a genuine counterintelligence threat.” Its tone of breathless outrage […]

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Was George Bush Correct After all on Iraq’s WMD’s?

    Bush used CIA and Russian intelligence to come to the conclusion Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction also called WMD.  During the invasion in 2003 a  500 ton cache of refined yellow cake uranium at Iraq’s primary nuclear research facility in Al—Tuwaitha was recovered. It was speculated by many conservatives and some intelligence sources said Saddam hid the […]

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Strategies for the Stretch Run to the Nov. 6 Election

By KARL ROVE This year’s presidential election was transformed between the first debate’s opening statements in Denver and the closing statements in Boca Raton. As a result, most of the negative impressions created by the Obama campaign’s five-month, $300-million television advertising barrage were destroyed. Seen unfiltered, Gov. Mitt Romney came across as an earnest, straightforward, […]

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