Republican Romp Extended to State-Level Elections

Republicans swept into control of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but that only begins to tell the story of a midterm election that turned into an electoral rout. From Nevada to New Hampshire, Republicans won resounding victories in state-level elections. Combined with unexpected victories in gubernatorial races in Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts, the Republicans are […]

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3 NBC Stations in Nevada Didn’t Disclose $10K Donations to Democratic Candidate

( — Three local NBC affiliates and their corporate parent company gave a total of $40,000 to Ross Miller, the Democratic candidate for state attorney general in Nevada, but reportedly failed to mention that fact to viewers during their coverage of the hotly contested race. On Tuesday, Miller – who is currently Nevada’s secretary of state […]

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Republicans Swept the Midterm Elections. Here’s What Comes Next.

Republicans’ heady win on Election Day, in which they regained control of the U.S. Senate and increasing their majority in the House, soon will give way to sober reality. While awaiting their newly elected colleagues’ arrival in January,  GOP lawmakers will be faced with a “lame duck” session that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has […]

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The 3 Most Important Takeaways from Election 2014

This morning we woke up to a changed America. Republicans now control 52 seats and counting in the Senate, and expanded their majority in the House. Importantly, these majorities were won by committing to repealing Obamacare and standing for conservative priorities. Republicans also gained at the state level, picking off governorships in liberal-leaning states and […]

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How a Conservative Congress Could Make a Huge Difference in Next Two Years

If Republicans should capture the Senate and retain their majority in the House of Representatives, can they move America toward greater freedom, opportunity and prosperity in the next two years? Or, as some cynics claim, will a conservative Congress and a liberal president simply produce more of the divided uber-partisan government that has characterized Washington […]

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