U.S. Paying $25K to Make Park Benches from Garbage for Tijuana

(CNSNews.com) –The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $25,000 that will go to the construction of benches made of garbage for a park in Tijuana, Mexico. According to an EPA press release, the agency joined the San Diego Center for Civic Engagement in awarding $45,000 to 4Walls International for the construction of park spaces […]

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As Kerry Signs “Less Than Useless” U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, Congress Responds

Shahar Azran/Polaris/Newscom Today, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on behalf of the United States. The reaction from Congress has been immediate, and rightfully so. In his remarks at the Signing Ceremony, Secretary Kerry offered the usual tired justifications for the treaty, which will supposedly “lift other countries up […]

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Standing Against Obamacare

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stood on the Senate floor yesterday to speak against Obamacare. He kept speaking all night and well into the morning. Why? Because Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wants to use procedural tricks to strip the House-passed bill of the provision that would defund Obamacare. Reid wants to cut off debate and […]

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This Fight Is for You

By Jim DeMint The Heritage Foundation has been talking about defunding Obamacare for some time now, and people may be wondering why. Why did we put up a billboard in Times Square warning Americans that Obamacare will be hazardous to their health? Why won’t we give up this fight? Because we are fighting for you. […]

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Head of Islamic Bloc Wants His Group to Have Permanent Seat on U.N. Security Council

(CNSNews.com) – With key Muslim countries on the rise and the Muslim population on track to exceed a quarter of the planet’s projected total population by 2030, the Islamic world deserves a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, says Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu. In a speech this week, he laid […]

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Sen. Murphy: Congress Morally Justified In Forcing Americans to Violate Their Religious Beliefs

(CNSNews.com) – Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said that it would be morally justifiable for Congress to pass a continuing resolution that forces Americans to buy health care plans covering abortion-inducing drugs even if doing so violates their religious beliefs. CNSNews.com asked Murphy about funding the controversial provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, […]

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Harry Reid

What’s Next for Obamacare: Harry Reid’s Procedural Attacks

Lauren Victoria Burke/WDCPIX.COM “If you let me write the procedure and I let you write the substance, I’ll [beat] you every time.” Representative John Dingell (D-MI), the longest serving member in the history of Congress, understands that congressional procedure dictates policy. It is important for opponents of Obamacare to understand Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid […]

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6 Reasons Why the National Debt Keeps Rising

Out-of-control spending by Congress and the Obama Administration has once again maxed out the latest debt limit—a nearly $17 trillion burden that harms job growth, gives special interests a pass, and lowers American families’ personal income. Inspired by Dave Ramsey’s recent post “6 Reasons People Stay in Debt,” we compiled six reasons why Members of […]

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Common Core Lacks Common (Business) Sense

MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA/Newscom Proponents of the Common Core national standards push, including the U.S. Department of Education, have long argued that Common Core is a state-led initiative. Why, then, would Secretary of Education Arne Duncan—and special guest President Obama—meet with more than 40 CEOs to promote Common Core? President Obama and the nation’s top federal education […]

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U.S. Nuclear Weapons Relevant for Today’s World

PASCAL SAURA/AFP/Getty Images/Newscom U.S. nuclear weapons remain relevant for the security challenges the U.S. faces after the end of the Cold War, writes Georgetown’s Matthew Kroenig in his article “Think Again: American Nuclear Disarmament.” “Nostalgia for simpler times can be seductive,” he says, “but the United States needs a nuclear force that can protect it […]

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