An Incriminating Timeline: Obama Administration and Libya (VIDEO)

The latest incriminating information on the U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya indicates that the State Department turned down a request for additional security from concerned U.S. embassy staff. New evidence shows there were security threats in Libya in the months prior to the deadly September 11 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and […]

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Conservatives Outline Policy Agenda Following Presidential Debate

DENVER — Members of The Heritage Foundation’s policy team joined experts from across the country at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Colorado. The event included a surprise visit from former Governor Mitt Romney and speeches by Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and John Thune (R-SD). Heritage experts covered a range of topics, […]

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Chart of the Week: Poor, Middle Class Hit by Obamacare Mandate Tax

With campaign season in full tilt, Americans are being inundated with rhetoric regarding the various tax proposals touted by President Obama and Governor Romney. Given that these discussions usually involve paeans to the middle class and promises to keep their tax rates low, one tax in partcular has received surprisingly little attention: the “penalty” levied […]

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A Debate on Religious Liberty in America (VIDEO)

Religious freedom is one of the core principles on which America’s system of government is founded, with a historical groundwork that predates the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The First Amendment to the Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ….” […]

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Bankrupt DOE Loan Recipient Abound Solar Under Investigation, Panels Suffered “Catastrophic Failure”

Abound Solar, a Department of Energy $400 million loan guarantee recipient that went bankrupt earlier this year, is under investigation by officials in Weld County, Colorado. The company, which received nearly $70 million in loan funding before payments were cut off by DOE in 2011, also received a $100,000 tax break from the Colorado county […]

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Internet Freedom and YouTube Under Attack

On September 27, Reporters Without Borders issued a report on the threat to Internet freedom that focused on the relationships of Google and YouTube in the Middle East and beyond. The call for censorship comes in response to the National Islamic Union’s complaint that Google has violated the “constitutional right to freedom of religion.” A […]

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Medicare Roundup 10/5: Setting the Record Straight

In recent weeks, liberal politicians, editorialists, and policy analysts have vigorously attacked reform of Medicare based on defined-contribution financing. In fact, this approach to reforming Medicare has a long bipartisan tradition, going back to the 1980s and Representatives Richard Gephardt (D–MO) and David Stockman (R–MI). Much of this criticism is distorted, misleading, or just plain […]

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