Sen. James Inhofe Says Global Warming Is ‘The Greatest Hoax’

In a new book out this week, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) traces the history of global warming hysteria and concludes it’s a downright hoax. He also reveals how climate-change champions are benefiting financially by promoting the idea. Inhofe’s book, “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future,” is sure to inspire heated […]

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National Standards: Costly in Dollars and Liberty Lost

Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s comments last week, in which he equated state lawmakers who question the Common Core national standards push with conspiracy theorists, are another indication that the Common Core Initiative is not the states-based movement the Administration claims it to be. Indeed, national standards have become the cornerstone of the Department of Education’s […]

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Stimulus-Backed Solar Company Lays Off 70 Percent of Workforce

President Obama used a weekly address in July 2010 to tout his stimulus package’s support for the solar industry. One of the companies he mentioned specifically, Abound Solar, just announced that it will lay off 70 percent of its workforce. Abound would “creat[e] more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs,” Obama claimed, and […]

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The Chinese Economy at the Crossroads

The World Bank’s latest report sounds a warning on China’s future economic growth, reiterating critical recommendations concerning the Chinese economy by The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom. The report makes a strong case that, if China is to keep up growth rates at even half the level it has managed over the past 30 […]

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Sen. Schumer, Who Opposed Keystone XL, Calls for More Saudi Oil Production

Responding to record-high gas prices and a potential for further disruptions in supply, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Monday requested that the State Department pressure Saudi Arabia to increase its oil production. The senator’s concerns are twofold: “Schumer called on the State Department to press the Saudis to publicly commit to meet their capacity potential […]

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