TSA Chief Asks Holiday Travelers for Patience

Washington (AP) – The head of the Transportation Security Administration is asking travelers for their cooperation as the government tightens security during the busy holiday travel season. Passengers traveling through U.S. airports this week could hear a message or see a new video from TSA chief John Pistole reminding them about security measures. Airport screeners […]

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Louisiana Senators to Interior Secretary: End Drilling Permit Logjam

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar traveled to Louisiana on Monday to meet with oil and gas executives whose industry has been suffering from a “de facto” drilling ban since the government’s moratorium was lifted. Both of the state’s senators said Salazar failed to adequately address the core issues causing the logjam. Salazar’s trip to Houma to […]

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Shellackings Past and Present

Three weeks ago, Democrats took what President Obama dubbed a “shellacking” at the polls: Republicans picked up 62 seats in the House, enough to gain a majority, and six in the Senate. The next day, the post-election analysis and finger-pointing began. Defeated Democrats blamed the President. Defeated Republicans blamed the media and the Washington establishment. […]

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No To Further Cuts In The Defense Budget

The U.S. defense budget is currently inadequate to meet the nation’s security needs. Yet, a panel led by retired U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, the former Republican chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, and Alice Rivlin, budget director under President Clinton, has proposed to reduce the federal debt by making drastic cuts to the Pentagon’s budget. […]

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Tariq Aziz Seeks Pardon from Iraqi President

Baghdad (AP) – Lawyers for Tariq Aziz, the longtime international face of Saddam Hussein’s regime, said Monday they will seek a presidential pardon to spare him from execution. Attorney Giovanni Di Stefano said Aziz’s defense team would ask for the pardon instead of appealing his death sentence last month for Saddam-era persecution of Shiite Muslim […]

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Pat-Downs and Pumpkin Pie

Pat-downs and body scanners seem to be keeping some from getting in the Thanksgiving spirit this week. As if the security lines weren’t bad enough during the busiest time of the year to fly, travelers are now faced with the invasive screening measures. Seniors speculate how to get out of their wheelchairs to walk through […]

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Defiant North Korea Reveals Covert Uranium Nuclear Facility

Pyongyang revealed a covert facility for enriching uranium to a visiting U.S. scientist last week. Dr. Siegfried Hecker, former head of the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory, stated he was shown a vast plant containing “hundreds and hundreds” of centrifuges—North Korea claimed 2,000—controlled by an “ultra modern control room.” The discovery affirms a U.N. report released […]

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19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Blow Your Mind

19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Blow Your Mind The United States is rapidly becoming the very first “post-industrial” nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this […]

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