Released Gitmo Detainee Becomes ISIS Suicide Bomber

An Islamic terrorist released and received a seven-figure payoff after he claimed he was tortured while being held at Guantanamo Bay blew himself up in a suicide bombing in Iraq, according to reports Tuesday. ISIS claimed responsibility and praised Abu-Zakariya al-Britani, a British-born suicide bomber, for the attack near Mosul, where Iraqi forces are battling […]

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TREASON: Obama releasing GITMO Terrorist who have threatened to bomb and behead Americans

  Obama will release at least 22 of the 59 Guantanamo Bay terrorist that will be transferred before January 20; four were moved on Thursday Move would mean more than a third of the terrorist leaving U.S. custody before Donald Trump takes office  Trump has already warned President Obama against moving any of those there saying they are ‘dangerous’   […]

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Obama Just Arranged the RELEASE of a Terrorist Who Murdered a U.S. Delta Force Soldier

Outrageous “deal” scratches a 40-year sentence down to immediate release by Brian Hayes This is beyond belief. Sgt. 1st class Christopher Speer was killed by a grenade tossed by 15-year-old Omar Khadr in 2002. Khadr was sentenced to 40 years, but because we have a traitorous administration running the country, the radical jihadist was released after only […]

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Imam Obama Frees 20th 9/11 Hijacker

By Matthew Vadum The Obama administration quietly shipped Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard back to the Wahhabist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week despite warnings that the Muslim terrorist remains a serious threat to the United States. The newly released terrorist detainee is Abdul Shalabi, 39, who trained to be the 20th hijacker for the Sept. […]

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Obama’s Election Revenge

By Alan Caruba The Democratic Party that supported President Obama’s agenda for the past six years was dramatically rejected in the midterm elections and the message for the new Republican-controlled Senate and House is to aggressively take action on stalled legislation to improve the economy and address other issues that have suffered neglect. The GOP […]

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GAO: Obama ‘Violated’ Two Laws in Bergdahl Prisoner Swap

The Government Accountability Office issued an opinion today that found the Obama Administration “violated” two laws when it ordered the transfer of five high profile Taliban commanders in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s release from captivity. The GAO finding came at the request of several Republican senators on June 13, 2014. Released today, the report […]

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