Obama’s doctor cousin blasts ObamaCare

DR. RICHARD CHUDACOFF, OB-GYN: Physicians are up in arms. DR. PATRICK ABUZENI, PLASTIC SURGEON: When you layer bureaucrats on top of the doctor who is the executive of the patient health, you’re going to increase costs. PRICE: The plan that’s on the table right now will not only harm health care, it’ll destroy the quality of health care […]

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70% Of Doctors To Boycott Obamacare

“We need some recognition that we’re doing a service to the community. But we can’t do it for free. And we can’t do it at a loss. No other business would do that,” exclaims the president of the California Medical Association, as The Washington Examiner reports, independent insurance brokers estimate 70% of California’s 104,000 licensed […]

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Robert Gibbs: ‘Inexplicable’ If No One Fired Over Obamacare Rollout

Former White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says it would be “inexplicable” if no one was fired for the botched rollout of healthcare.gov. Appearing on MSNBC Monday morning, Gibbs told host Alex Wagner that he expected one or more people to be fired over the failure, probably by spring. [youtube VPz1QL1BSL8 nolink] Gibbs: It will be […]

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Obama paid so called‘Non-partisan’ group $1 million to produce positive Obamacare stories

With the roll out of Obamacare being as disastrous as possible for the Obama administration, one group was given a $1 million grant to help lead a rebranding effort with hopes of salvaging the law in the eyes of the American people. Families USA (FUSA) — an organization that describes itself as a “national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated […]

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Working ObamaCare Exchanges Enroll Only 3 Percent of Goal, While Millions Lose Insurance

The Wall Street Journal reports that only 40,000 to 50,000 have thus far signed up on the federal website. This brings the total number of enrollees (including the 12 states with working sites) to fewer than 100,000. While at least 4.4 million have lost their health insurance. Obama’s target for October alone was 500,000, he […]

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