Obamacare’s Relationship Status? ‘It’s Complicated,’ Biden Says

Speaking in Minneapolis yesterday about the Obamacare rollout, Biden said, “We didn’t want this to start off as shaky as it did. But it’s complicated.” For many years, Facebook offered a short range of relationship options, including “it’s complicated.” Ever since, “it’s complicated” has been the Facebook status that both says nothing and fits every situation. […]

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An Orwellian Nation of Obamathink

By Washington Times (DC) February 18, 2014 6:55 am The nightmare societies portrayed in the George Orwell novels “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and “Animal Farm” gave us the word “Orwellian.” That adjective reflects a vast government’s efforts not just to deceive and control the people, but also to do so by reinventing the meaning of ordinary words […]

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Fourth hospital closes due to Obamacare payment cuts

Health Law’s Impact Has Only Begun. The fourth Georgia hospital is closing its doors due to severe financial difficulties caused by Obamacare’s payment cuts for emergency services. The Lower Oconee Community Hospital is, for now, a critical access hospital in southeastern Georgia that holds 25 beds. The hospital is suffering from serious cash-flow problems, largely […]

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Latest Obamacare Mandate Delay Has a Catch

Newscom Another day, another administratively enacted Obamacare delay. But today’s employer mandate delay, as outlined in the final rules, has interesting terms and conditions to qualify. Originally, as the law states, the employer mandate was supposed to take effect January 1, 2014 and would force all employers with more than 50 full-time employees—defined as those […]

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Explosive Report: How Obamacare Will Drive People Out of the Workforce

Obamacare moves people further away from jobs and shifts their health care costs to taxpayers. Good news or bad? The White House took up defensive measures yesterday after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a new estimate: Obamacare will cause the equivalent of 2.3 million people to stop working. “Double ouch,” said The Washington Post’s […]

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Obamacare killing 2 million jobs

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will cause a larger than-expected reduction in working hours—eliminating the equivalent of about 2.3 million workers in 2021. In 2011 it was estimated the law would cause a reduction of about 800,000 full-time equivalent workers. The reality is Obamacare will push the equivalent of about 2 million workers out of […]

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Sick Kids Denied HealthCare Due to Obamacare

In Washington state, some sick kids have been denied specialty care due to Obamacare, a local news outlet reports: [youtube mhx_Xhh9ca8 nolink] “Administrators at Seattle Children’s today said they predicted this would happen, and it’s even worse than they expected,” says the local news anchor. “Patients being denied specialty treatment at the hospital by insurance […]

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