Obamacare Disaster: Upwards of 50 to 100 million insurance cancellations coming

A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall — right before the mid-term elections. The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has […]

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Latest Obamacare Bombshells: HealthCare.gov Far from Complete, and Payment System Not Built

You would think that it couldn’t get much worse for the Obamacare rollout, but a few new bombs dropped this week. Payment System for Obamacare Not Built Yet In a House hearing yesterday, when asked what remains to be done in work on the federal marketplace (HealthCare.gov), Henry Chao, Obamacare’s top dog on IT, admitted […]

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From Obamacare Success Story to Obamacare Failure Story in Just 3 Days

President Obama used Jessica Sanford as an Obamacare success story during his Oct. 21 health care event. However, only three days later, Sanford turned into another Obamacare failure. CNN reports that Sanford, a 48-year-old single mother from Washington state, purchased health insurance from the Washington state exchange. She was so excited that she emailed the […]

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Disagree with Obama and Get Fired!

D.C. Insurance Commissioner Fired Day After Rejecting Obama’s ‘Fix’. The District of Columbia’s insurance commissioner was given his walking papers on Friday, one day after he challenged President Barack Obama’s fix of the troubled rollout of his signature healthcare law, The Washington Post reports. Obama held a Thursday press conference, saying he would allow insurance […]

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The Worse of Obamacare is Yet to Come

As Obama faces unprecedented credibility crisis for making promises he did not keep. Obama’s disastrous health care roll-out has problems far greater than what we have seen so far. So far it better pretty bad, 5 million lost policies and increasing and hardly 100,000 signed up and Obamacare counts people that have not even paid […]

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The American People Rose Up to Repeal a Health Care Law Once Before. They Can Do It Again.

The law that promised health coverage for all has so far stripped 3.5 million Americans of their insurance. Meanwhile, fewer than 27,000 people merely “selected” plans—without necessarily purchasing them—on HealthCare.gov. To date, then, Obamacare keeps creating more coverage losers for every Obamacare “winner.” And many of those “winners” have been dismayed to discover that their […]

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Congress and Obamacare: A Big Double Standard

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) (KEVIN DIETSCH/UPI/Newscom) Are lawmakers and  their personal staffs “exempt” from Obamacare, as some conservative critics are saying? Well, not exactly. Members of Congress and their staffs  must be enrolled in the Obamacare exchange plans effective January 1, 2014.   Under Section 1312 (D) of the Affordable Care Act,   they can no longer […]

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How Obamacare Will Affect All Americans

AFP PHOTO/Mandel NGANMANDEL NGAN/AFP/GettyImages In response to the wave of insurance cancellations hitting millions of Americans, and the admission by some that President Obama’s “if you like your plan” promise was false, Obamacare’s defenders are now taking a different tack. While the law’s supporters finally admit that some people will be worse off under the […]

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FTC has rules about deceptive advertising. The Rules Don’t Apply to Obamacare

Conservatives often argue that the federal government should function more like a private business. Obamacare supporters should be grateful it does not, because otherwise HealthCare.gov would almost certainly run afoul of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), as well as of the recently established Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Orson Swindle, who served as an FTC […]

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