GREAT VIDEO: Young Woman Whups Muslim ‘Refugee’ ASS When They Try To Rob Her

This woman wasn’t going to let these Muslim ‘refugees’ have their way when they tried to steal from her store. Respekt – wehrt euch ! In Deutschland sollen Gemeinden die Supermärkte angewiesen haben, bei Diebstählen von Flüchtlingen keine Anzeigen zu erstatten, unglaublich die Verantwortlichen in Deutschland, Treten ihren Bürgern die für alles arbeiten gehen dürfen […]

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Obama Importing Terrorism Into the USA

President Obama’s open-door immigration policy is set to accept more immigrants from Muslim nations over the next five years than the entire population of Washington, D.C., according to federal documents. Figures from the Department of Homeland Security show that the president has already issued 680,000 green cards to immigrants from Muslim nations over the past […]

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Police Arrest Major Muslim Terrorist Who Got Into Italy Through Immigration Flood

By Theodore Shoebat Fears that Islamic terror groups might be entering Europe on migrant boats appear to have been confirmed after police in Sicily identified a convicted terrorist among asylum seekers arriving from Libya. Sicilian police arrested a Muslim terrorist who got into Italy through the Islamic migration flood. They found on his person explosives, […]

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Canada To No Longer Accept Single Male Refugees From Syria

Canada’s Syrian refugee plan will be limited to women, children and families from now on after increased security concerns about single males. Citing anonymous sources, CBC News reports that the terror attacks in Paris Nov. 13 have led the government to rethink its policy. Canada is working toward getting 25,000 Syrian refugees admitted by the […]

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Third Paris stadium jihad suicide bomber identified as “refugee” who came via Greece

The solution offered by the media and political elites: bring in more Muslim refugees. What could possibly go wrong? “Third Paris stadium suicide bomber identified as refugee who came via Greece – report,” RT, November 22, 2015: The third suicide bomber who blew himself up outside of Paris’ Stade de France stadium last week has […]

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PAUL WESTON: “Western Politicians Are Aiding And Abetting Islamic Terrorism, Murder

Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB (in Britain), the leading anti-Islamization party, talks candidly about the attacks in Paris, and how our politicians are accessories to murder and complicit in the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians.     WILD BILL FOR AMERICA Says It’s Time To Start Mosque Busting In America Every Islamic terrorist […]

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