Why Barack Obama is Guilty of Treason

– The American government has charged and prosecuted American citizens who have aided al Qaeda or other terrorist groups that pose a danger to the United States of America. President Barack Obama announced he will give an additional half a billion dollars to the Syrian Terrorist or so called “rebels.” In fact, as the government admits […]

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By Jacques Robichaud:  Impeachment is the only procedural mechanism in the American system of government that can be used to remove from office a president who has willfully abused his executive power under the Constitution. Technically there are other extraordinary measures that can be taken, but these measures cannot fully address in an expeditious manner the present […]

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Supreme Court unanimously held that Barack Obama violated the Constitution

Today the Supreme Court unanimously held that President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he made several appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and other agencies without Senate approval. The Appointments Clause of the Constitution requires that all high-level executive branch positions (called “principal officers”) and all federal judges be nominated by the […]

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Impeachment Refusal Means Heads Will Roll

In case you are a rabid partisan supporter of the Obama administration, or forgot your history, Richard Nixon was charged for ostensibly the same offense, that President Obama’s loyal minion Lois Lerner oversaw. Joseph Curl writes in the Washington Times, IRS scandal gets Nixonian: The 18½-minute (or 26-month) gap. Article 2 of the Articles of Impeachment against Nixon […]

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IRS Double Standard

By Matt Shipley  John Koskinen’s testimony before Congress on June 20, 2014, making no apologies for the loss of nearly two year’s worth of emails from Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner, who is at the center of the IRS scandal, was nothing short of appalling. It  not only insulted the intelligence of millions of Americans who understand the […]

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Holder Impeachment Sought

By Steven Nelson–  Eric Holder made history in 2009 as the first African-American U.S. attorney general. If Rep. Paul Gosar has his way, Holder can add another first to his bio: the first cabinet secretary to be impeached. Gosar, R-Ariz., tells U.S. News he plans to either draft articles of impeachment or co-sponsor existing impeachment legislation introduced in November by […]

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Treason: Obama’s ‘Gitmo Five’

You were already thinking it. Treason. For Richard Nixon, it was a cover-up surrounding illegal wiretapping. For Bill Clinton, it was lying under oath about sex with an intern. Obama thinks he’s untouchable. He believes he’s above the law. Evidently, he’s right. What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? […]

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Obama is driving the country to ruin

By Michael Goodwin If you think of the United States of America as a store, its recent decisions and scandals resemble a sale, perhaps a fire sale. Or maybe even a “Going Out of Business” sale. The list of dramatic markdowns is breathtaking. They include trading away five murderous terrorists for a likely Army deserter, an […]

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Bergdahl Swap an Impeachable Offense Trifecta

Having addressed the most probable strawmen that might be raised by Obama’s defenders, it’s time to face the extremely ugly facts of the Bergdahl situation.  Obama now had three more impeachable offences to his 302  impeachable offenses to date. The first impeachable offense is that Obama broke the law requiring 30 days notification to Congress. […]

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