Obama’s ‘Muslim Brothers’ Preventing Further Action Against Terrorists In Iraq

A Republican congressman warned Americans that  Obama would not be able to adequately protect the nation from the threat posed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) — the terrorist organization that has taken over large parts of Iraq — because the administration’s policy is being guided and influenced by “Muslim brothers.” […]

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The face of the next Muslim terrorist

The Western world is outraged after terrorists beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley and are now threatening the life of another American if President Barack Obama doesn’t end military operations in Iraq – but a high-profile military analyst warns things could get worse because Americans have gotten far too comfortable and may soon begin seeing the […]

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ISIS Terrorist: We’re Here in Ferguson

A sign carried by a protester in Ferguson, Missouri, declaring the presence of the Islamic State, or ISIS, is an act of intimidation, warning Americans they should fear the Middle Eastern Islamic jihadist group even in their own homes, according to an expert. Islam analyst Robert Spencer, whose Jihad Watch website website monitors Islamic jihad […]

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Radical Islamist Terrorism emboldened by anti-American Barack Obama

By Judi McLeod   The “British accent” of the Islamic State beast who brutally beheaded American photojournalist James Wright Foley serves as the defining moment in the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism. That defining moment underlines in blood how Western leaders who allow the flow of terrorists across their borders have relinquished the safety of their own […]

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