The Counterfeit Arabs

There is no such thing as a Palestinian people; no such thing as a Palestinian history; and no Palestinian language exists. There has never been any independent, sovereign Palestinian state in all of recorded history. They are the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. They are indistinguishable from those Arabs who live in the surrounding artificial […]

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The Lesson of Genesis 47:13-27

It is amazing to see that very little has changed in 4,000 years. Open up your Bibles, to the 47th chapter of Genesis. We’ll begin at Verse 13, and go through Verse 27. Verse 47 speaks of economic hard times that fell upon Egypt, and the people turned to the government of Pharaoh to deal […]

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A Challenge to Darwinism

Anyone who has been exposed to the teaching of evolution has heard of the Cambrian Explosion of fossils. The evolutionists call it an “explosion” of fossils because so many fossils appear so abruptly in the geologic column. The Cambrian rock layers are among the lowest and “oldest” layers in the geologic column yet are extremely […]

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Radical Christianity vs. Radical Islam

By Trevor Thomas Finally, Bill Maher got something right.  Following the Boston bombings, Maher responded to Brian Levy, the director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University in San Bernardino (a great example of needed reforms in public higher education), “[T]here’s only one faith, for example, that kills you […]

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Blueprints for Auschwitz Found in Muslims Apartment?

The blueprints for Auschwitz went on display yesterday after being discovered in November 2008. The location of their discovery is being kept secret. They were ‘discovered in a apartment behind a wall when a renovation/remodel was taking place’. No one will say whose apartment. Germany does not hide information like this after WWII……why are they hiding it […]

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Rock throwers

Why Palestinian Arabs Hate Jews

It was reported last May that nearly 70% of Arabs living in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are in favor of suicide attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers. Yes, seven in ten of the so-called ‘Palestinians’ are willing to send their own children to their deaths in the name of Jihad. Why? Why are these people […]

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Arabs Attack on Israeli Village

Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs have been assaulting a Jewish village in the Binyamin region since Saturday afternoon, Tatzpit reports. Residents of the Jewish village of Esh Kodesh reported that the assault began when three men from the community were walking in one of the town’s vineyards on Saturday afternoon, during the Jewish Sabbath. The […]

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University of California Rejects Antisemitism Resolution

The University of California says it won’t support a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on campus – approved unanimously by the state Assembly on Tuesday – they made the excuse  because the resolution says “no public resources will be allowed to be used for any anti-Semitic or any intolerant agitation.” “We think it’s problematic because of First Amendment concerns,” said Steve […]

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The Real Refugees

Most of the world is ignoring the real catastrophe of the past recent era: the brutal expulsion of some 867,000 Jews from Arab countries, and the seizure, by the Arab governments, of over $13-billion worth of Jewish property and assets. Algeria During the war for Algerian independence from France in the 1950s and early 1960s, […]

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French Kissing Equality Goodbye

The twenty per cent polled by Marine Le Pen in the recent first round of elections in France has come as a shock to many. She is said to have softened the often blatant racism, xenophobia and even fascism of her father who founded the Front National. Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter are said […]

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