Obama’s Iran Deal; Worse Than Munich

President Obama’s cowardly deal with the Iranian regime – a regime dedicated to the destruction of Israel, pursuing nuclear weapons in violation of multiple United Nations resolutions, and the persecution of Christians – marks the most ignominious moment in western foreign policy in decades. The easy comparison is to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement […]

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Faced with Hostile Obama, Netanyahu to Take Iran Nuclear Campaign to Russia

At odds with Washington over terms of an emerging international nuclear agreement with Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will on Wednesday take his campaign against the deal to Moscow. “We’d like them to have a better understanding of our concerns and the need to prevent Iran from having a breakout capacity,” an Israeli official told AFP […]

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USA and Hezbollah Now Have Same Stance in Support of Iran and Opposite that of France

November 17, 2013 14:14 by Pesach Benson Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah warned of war if Iran’s nuclear talks collapse. Ari Lieberman notes that the Party of God desperately needs the talks to succeed, and is even playing the same pipes of peace as the Obama administration. Whoda thought? A cash infusion, the byproduct of sanctions relief, […]

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Obama and Netanyahu

Obama Turns on Israel

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online, The Corner November 8, 2013 Barack Obama’s March 2013 trip to Israel had a too-good-to-be-true feel about it. While barely pressuring on Israel, he instructed Palestinians not to set preconditions for negotiations and admonished them to “recognize that Israel will be a Jewish state.” It felt out of character, […]

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Obama’s Waffling Foreign Policy

AFP PHOTO/Mandel NGANMANDEL NGAN/AFP/GettyImages President Obama’s foreign policy over the course of his presidency has suffered from severe inconsistency, writes Heritage Foundation distinguished fellow Kim Holmes in The Washington Times: He’ll draw red lines in Syria and threaten military strikes, then call off the strikes and convene diplomatic conferences. If he’s not killing terrorists with […]

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Kerry Touts Religious Liberty as Obamacare Forces Americans to Act Against Their Faith

(CNSNews.com) – In a statement to mark International Religious Freedom Day, Secretary of State John Kerry said he and President Barack Obama consider religious liberty “a priority” even as some 75 lawsuits have been filed to fight the Obamacare regulation that would force Catholics and others to pay for health insurance plans that offer contraceptives, […]

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As Kerry Signs “Less Than Useless” U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, Congress Responds

Shahar Azran/Polaris/Newscom Today, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on behalf of the United States. The reaction from Congress has been immediate, and rightfully so. In his remarks at the Signing Ceremony, Secretary Kerry offered the usual tired justifications for the treaty, which will supposedly “lift other countries up […]

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