Terror in Kenya: Islamist gunmen live-blogged massacre on Twitter

DAILY MAIL http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2428875/Terror-Kenya-Unknown-number-hostages-trapped-Nairobi-mall.html Foreign Secretary William Hague confirms British citizens are caught up in the terrorist attack in Nairobi Kenyan security forces are locked in a stand-off with the terrorists 24 hours after the gang began shooting Ten to 15 people still trapped inside mall, according to the Kenyan interior minister The US State Department […]

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Kenya Attack: Al-Shabaab Seeks Retribution in Nairobi

Kenyan security forces taking a position inside a shopping mall following an attack by masked gunmen in Nairobi. (Photo: NICHOLE SOBECKI/AFP/Getty Images/Newscom) A high-end Mall in the Westlands suburb of Nairobi was attacked by armed gunmen on Saturday afternoon. Al-Shabaab, the al-Qaeda linked group based in Somalia, is claiming responsibility for the attack at the […]

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