Communist manifesto calls for massive immigration and clash of cultures to Divide And Conquer

No nation is born multicultured. Multiculturalism is an unnatural as well as unhealthy condition that can only afflict states in national decline. A multicultural state carries in it’s geneses the seeds of eventual national destruction. All multicultural nations will be found to be in a state of political, moral, economic and social decay. Greed and […]

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Be Fined 250,000 Dollars If You Offend A Transgender In New York

By Michael Snyder Political correctness is officially out of control in New York City. According to brand new rules that were just issued by the New York City Commission on Human Rights, you could potentially be fined $250,000 if you purposely offend someone that is transgender. This includes such offenses as calling a transgender woman […]

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Stalinist Attorney General Loretta Lynch: “Violent Talk” Toward Muslims “Will Be Prosecuted”

Speaking barely a day after the horrific terrorist attack in California, Obama-appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch said at the annual Muslim Advocates annual Dinner that critics of Islam “will be prosecuted” if speech about Islam “edges” towards violence: Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Thursday warned that the Justice Department could take aggressive action against people […]

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The Re-enserfment of Western Peoples

Paul Craig Roberts The re-enserfment of Western peoples is taking place on several levels. One about which I have been writing for more than a decade comes from the offshoring of jobs. Americans, for example, have a shrinking participation in the production of the goods and services that are marketed to them. On another level […]

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Dunkin’ Donuts wants you to know that their coffee cup is all about Christmas. Take that, Starbucks

The  battle between Starbucks and  Dunkin’ Donuts has expanded into new territory: Christmas. Days after the Seattle-based coffee maker released an understated red holiday cup devoted to “inclusion,” as the company put it, New England based Dunkin’ Donuts  offered its less-nuanced alternative: a white cup with what looks like a Christmas wreath around the word “Joy.” […]

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WATCH Left Uses Swearing, Obscene Children In Foul New Anti-Trump Video

(Breitbart) These children should be removed from their parents’ care. This is child abuse. The disgusting video, created by an organization called, includes children using profane language and beating a piñata of Donald Trump. At one point during the video, a young child says, “Republicans use offensive words. So here’s a few of our […]

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