The Fight for the Filibuster

When does a day last three weeks? When Senate Democrats want to rewrite the rules of the Senate to make it easier for the Majority Leader to end debate and block the amendment process. This Wednesday, the United States Senate is set to meet for its first “legislative day” of the new Congress, and a […]

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Top Ten Reasons America Won’t Miss the 111th Congress

The 111th Congress is officially over, and according to Gallup, it’s also officially the worst Congress in the history of polling. Yet despite its 13% approval rating there are those who are hailing the 111th Congress for its myriad legislative “accomplishments.” Not surprisingly, many of those touting those “accomplishments” are the very members of Congress […]

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Obamacare: The Price Controls Begin

The Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday that, starting next year, health insurance companies must receive permission from the Obama administration before they can raise rates higher than 10%. As we warned before Obamacare even became law, this is a form of price control, a government intervention that has a long and well […]

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VIDEO: Santa’s Wish List for Washington

Businesses are facing increasing uncertainty — temporary tax rates and burdensome regulations are just two of the factors slowing America’s economic recovery. Now even Kris Kringle is voicing concerns. Jolly Old Saint Nicolas is the star of a new video from Bankrupting America, a group that shines the light on policies slowing economic opportunity in […]

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Conservatism is Ready to Play the Game

Rep. Jim Jordan (R–OH) is a man who doesn’t like to lose. His high school wrestling record was an astonishing 150–1. That bodes well for the Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group of conservative lawmakers Jordan will lead in the 112th Congress. Jordan joined the RSC’s outgoing chairman, Representative Tom Price (R–GA), at an American […]

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Rolling Back Overcriminalizaiton

Between 2000 and 2007, the United States Congress created 452 entirely new crimes, a rate of over one new crime every week. By the end of 2007, the U.S. Code included more than 4,450 federal crimes, with an estimated tens of thousands more located in the federal regulatory code. Worse, a joint study released this […]

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Blue Dogs Sing the Blues

The events of Election Day will ultimately polarize Congress and affect the conservative policy agenda being debated and passed by lawmakers. Although Republicans were launched into power in the House, the more conservative Democratic Caucus, known as the Blue Dog Democrats, lost power by losing several of its more conservative members.  Add to that many […]

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