Trump Hits Mexico With 5% Tariffs Over Record Illegal Immigrants Mexico’s Begs Trump for Meeting

President Trump on Thursday evening announced that a 5% tariff will be imposed on all Mexican imports beginning June 10th and will gradually increase until the illegal immigration stops.  Looks  as if  Mexico  will  be  paying  for  the  wall  after  all. TRUMP: “On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all […]

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Michelle Malkin: Keeping Fake Illegal Alien Families Together

Who remembers the hysterical sound and fury of open borders leftists last summer over President Donald Trump’s detention and enforcement policies at our besieged southern border? Remember the #FamiliesBelongTogether, #WhereAreTheChildren, #AbolishICE and #MeltICE hashtags? Remember the “Trump Child Abuse,” “Free the Children,” “Save the Children” and “AMERICANS DON’T USE CHILDREN AS PAWNS,” posters wielded at […]

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Report: Ben Carson’s HUD Proposing Rule to Oust Illegal Aliens from Public Housing

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), led by Secretary Ben Carson, is reportedly drafting a rule to force illegal aliens from living in taxpayer-subsidized public housing. Currently, Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act allows illegal aliens to reside in public housing if they are living with relatives who are eligible […]

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Mexico to deport violent migrant group which stormed US border illegally

Mexico will deport up to 500 migrants who attempted to storm the US border, according to its interior ministry. The group were rounded up after trying to cross the border “violently” and “illegally” on Sunday, the ministry said in a statement. Video footage shows dozens of people running towards the fence that separates the two […]

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100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Migrant Caravan Military-Aged Males March to U.S.

A migrant caravan full of thousands of mostly Hondurans tore down the border gate in Guatemala and stormed the Mexico border Friday. The horde of migrants are mainly military-aged virile males; this is an invasion. It gets worse… The Guatemalan president announced this week the Central American country apprehended almost 100 ISIS terrorists. The Secretary of Social Communication […]

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ICE Director:Wine Country Arsonist Is Illegal Alien Mexican National

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan confirmed on Thursday that a man arrested in connection with setting a fire in Sonoma County Wine Country is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been twice returned to his “home country.” Homan also confirmed that ICE has issued detainer requests […]

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Mexico ‘Better Prepared’ But in a ‘Weaker’ Position Than US as NAFTA Talks Begin – Analysts

Mexico City ( – Mexico’s negotiating team may be “better prepared,” but overall, Mexico suffers from a relatively weak negotiating position according to analysts interviewed as NAFTA renegotiation talks kicked off this week in Washington. The Trump administration’s insistence that U.S. trade deficits be brought down by a revamped treaty is likely to be a […]

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