Mexicans using social media to shame bad behavior in public

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexicans are increasingly taking to social media to post videos of bad civic behavior, led by two social media “heroes” who wield comedy and confrontation to expose lazy cops, litterers, threatening bodyguards and arrogant drivers. Arturo Hernandez, who heads a band of volunteer YouTube celebrities known as the “Super Civicos,” uses […]

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Mr. Pope, tear down this wall.

by BEN SHAPIRO On Wednesday, Pope Francis traveled to Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, where he stood across the border from the United States and paid homage to “migrants who have perished trying to reach the United States just a stone’s throw away,” according to Reuters. He then blessed crosses next to which “shoes of migrants […]

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Drug Cartel King ‘El Chapo’ Had .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Given to him by Obama

The gathering of evidence that followed the capture of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has turned up a .50 caliber sniper rifle which was acquired via the Obama administration’s gun smuggling operation, Fast and Furious. A .50-caliber is a massive rifle that can stop a car or, as it was intended, take down a helicopter and […]

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Islamic Terrorists Are Streaming Over Our Southern Border

by Shoebat Foundation Six illegal alien Muslim invaders from Afghanistan and Pakistan and eight more from Syria were just apprehended on our Southern border. Makes you wonder how many others didn’t get caught. Breitbart   A highly trusted federal agent working under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has confirmed to Breitbart Texas […]

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Jorge Ramos Calculates: Mass Deportation Would Cost Just $137B

by JULIA HAHN In a recent segment on his Fusion television show America, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos “does the math” on presidential contender Donald Trump’s pledge to deport 11 million illegal aliens. Ramos argues that manually deporting the nation’s entire illegal alien population in the span of two years would come at a one-time, catch-all […]

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O’Reilly, Ramos Spar Over Kate’s Law, Illegal Immigration

[youtube g7MFyXKspQ nolink] Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly and Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos sparred over illegal immigration, Kate’s Law, and Ramos’ confrontation with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump in an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor.” [NOTE: In a later segment, O’Reilly said that the interview […]

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