Infecting a Nation for Politics and Money

By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh: “The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing.”—Christopher Manes, Earth First! “I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.”—John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal Should flights coming from West African nations be cancelled and […]

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Obama Brushes Off Plight of U.S. Marine Jailed in Mexico

( – It’s the State Department’s problem. On the same day Republican lawmakers urged President Obama to do something about an American war veteran languishing in a Mexican jail, a White House spokesman indicated it’s not going to happen. “My colleagues at the State Department are very focused on this issue,” White House spokesman Josh […]

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Census Bureau: Noncitizen income rose 15 times faster than income of native U.S. workers in 2013

The U.S. Census Bureau reported Tuesday that household income for noncitizens working in the United States rose 6.0 percent between 2012 and 2013, 15 times more than the paltry 0.4 percent increase for households led by native-born U.S. workers. Census said income households led by foreign-born workers, which includes noncitizens and naturalized citizens, rose 1.7 […]

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ISIS To Attack United States On 9/11? High Level Sources State Terrorists Will Hit Mexico Border

A new report from Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group, claims that an Islamic terrorist organization is currently operating in Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez, and has a plan to attack the United States along the Mexican border on 9/11. Ciudad Juarez is well known for it’s high level of drug crime and sits across […]

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What if Gaza were San Diego instead?

TO UNDERSTAND why Israel fights in the Gaza Strip, try this thought experiment: Imagine that Mexicans loudly and violently demand that America vacate the territory that Mexico previously controlled in the U.S. Southwest. To make their case, Mexican revanchists brutally attack American diplomatic posts, assassinate U.S. officials, and even kidnap and kill American athletes at […]

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Border Crisis Worsening As Obama White House Praises Mexico-Guatemala Pact

(Joseph R. Carducci) Get ready, folks, since it looks like things along our southern border are about to get even more insane. We have already had something in the neighborhood of 57,000+ unaccompanied illegal alien minors cross over our border since October. Immigration officials have also already estimated that we will see another 150,000+ children do […]

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Duncan on Mexican Women Who Cross U.S. Border to Give Birth: ‘These Are Our Kids’

( – Education Secretary Arne Duncan visited an elementary school in Columbus, N.M. last year where 75 percent of the students live in Mexico but are being educated in the United States because their mothers crossed the border to seek medical help, and their birth here makes them U.S. citizens. “These are our kids and […]

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