Gingrich Moves Past Cain and Romney to Become Tea Party’s Top Choice

( – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R.-Ga.) has moved past former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Godfathers Pizza CEO Herman Cain to become the top choice for president among Republican primary voters who describe themselves as Tea Party supporters, according to a CBS News poll released today. In the new poll, conducted Nov. […]

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Poll: Obama Even With Huckabee and Romney

A new poll whose results were published on Sunday shows that if the U.S. presidential elections were held today, it would be a very close race between the Democrats and the Republicans. According to the poll by Rasmussen Reports, the two strongest candidates against President Barack Obama right now would be Mitt Romney and Mike […]

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Huckabee Leads in First GOP State Nominations for President

Solidly pro-Israel Mike Huckabee leads the polls for the Iowa caucus nomination of a Republican candidate for the 2012 presidential election. A survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP), which has connections with national Democrats, released a poll Tuesday that shows the former Arkansas governor, now living in Florida, a clear favorite in the Iowa caucus, […]

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Romney: Steele Is a ‘Distraction’

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said yesterday on the subject of RNC chair Michael Steele: “Anytime the chairman of our party becomes a story, that’s a distraction for our candidates. I would encourage the chairman to do things that make it easier for candidates, like raising money, updating the technological base of our party and […]

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Romney to Obama: Stop Blaming Others for Failure

By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ( Starr) Washington ( – Saying that America is not better off than it was $1.8 trillion ago, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said President Obama should stop blaming his predecessor and the American people for high unemployment and growing deficit and failure of the […]

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Huckabee Leads 2012 Poll

Twenty-nine percent of Republican voters nationwide say former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is their pick to represent the GOP in the 2012 presidential campaign. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 24 percent prefer former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney while 18 percent would cast their vote for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Former House […]

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