Nancy Pelosi to name Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim Congressman to House intelligence committee

BY ROBERT SPENCER It could be worse. It could have been Keith Ellison. But this is bad enough as it is. Carson once said that “9/11 was tough on Muslims.” Discover the Networks reports that Carson has said that American schools should be modeled on madrassas, “where the foundation is the Qur’an.” “On May 26, 2012, […]

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It’s never about Islam

By Klaus Rohrich  Don’t you just love it when our leaders maintain that Islamist extremism has nothing to do with Islam and the terrorist act du jour is just a deranged ‘lone wolf’ acting on his own? We see this on an almost weekly basis, as these so-called lone wolf killers target soldiers, cops, housewives […]

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CIA Torture Report is “Hate America” AgitProp, Total BS; Obama’s Panetta Said Torture Works

By Debbie Schlussel The first thing you need to know about the “CIA torture report” put out by liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate is that it cost $40 million of your money to produce. The second thing you need to know is that Barack Obama’s CIA Director Leon Panetta–a big liberal–disagreed long ago with […]

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Obama Ignores beheaded Women’s Funeral; Praises Be-headers Mosque

A few weeks ago, we introduced you to Alton Nolen, a domestic jihadist who beheaded his 54-year-old co-worker Colleen Hufford. The FBI not surprisingly labeled his horrific actions “an act of workplace violence,” and President Barack Hussein Obama not surprisingly avoided making any comments about either Alton Nolen or the unfortunate and unnecessary demise of […]

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Obama’s Homeland Security Adviser Wants Islamic Caliphate’s Return

A member of President Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council known for controversial Twitter posts that seem to support the Muslim Brotherhood wrote Friday that it is “inevitable that the Islamic ‘Caliphate’ returns.” Muslim activist Mohamed Elibiary has been controversial since he was first appointed to the taskforce in 2010 by Barack Hussein Obama.  He was closely associated with Shukri abu Baker, […]

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Islamic Terrorism Not Ruled out in Missing Malaysian Jetliner

Flight MH370 departed Kuala Lumpur at 12:55 a.m with 227 passengers, and was scheduled to land in Beijing at 6:30 a.m., the airline said. It went missing two hours into the flight and disappeared off the radar at 065515 North (longitude) and 1033443 East (latitude). Malaysian officials investigating the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner […]

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