Israel Has Ability to Prevent Iran from Getting a Nuclear Bomb Without Assistance

Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs, Moshe Ya’alon, spoke on Sunday at a Likud Anglo event in Jerusalem. In his talk, Ya’alon spoke about the security issues Israel currently deals with. Addressing the relatively calm security situation right now, despite the rocket barrages coming from Gaza once in a while, Ya’alon said that […]

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Netanyahu: Hamas-Fatah Union Means No Talks

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday that if Hamas joins the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority (PA) government, Israel will not be able to negotiate with the PA. Speaking at a conference of Foreign Ministry delegation heads, Netanyahu stressed: “We are prepared to meet the Palestinians at any time and place.” “The Palestinians will have to recognize […]

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The Town of Adam, Israel: Fighting Left-Wing Land Theft

Bar Vanunu, Mayor of the Binyamin community of Adam, formerly known as Geva Binyamin and situated 4 kilometers northeast of Jerusalem, told Arutz Sheva the decision to allow Arabs to work land at the entrance to the community is “outrageous.” “This is very disturbing to the residents and presents a security hazard,” Vanunu said. “It is a plot by the […]

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Turkish President Slams Israel, Hails Hamas

Turkish president Abdullah Gul on Sunday said Israel should take advantage of the changes in the Middle East to achieve peace with the Palestinian Authority and the entire Arab world, the Turkey-based Today’s Zaman reported. Speaking upon his return from Vienna, where he snubbed an official lunch on Friday because of the presence of Defense […]

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Kenya Asks Israel: Help Us Fight Al Qaeda

Kenya’s prime minister, visiting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, asks Israel to help his country get rid of Al Qaeda terrorists. Kenya’s soldiers have crossed into Somalia to hunt down al-Shabab terrorists, linked with Al Qaeda, in Somalia. Prime Minister Raila Odinga asked Preisdent Peres Monday for helping his security forces in […]

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Sarkozy to Visit ‘Liar’ Netanyahu; MSM Tries to Cover Up Remarks by Sarkozy & Obama

French President Nicolas Sarkozy plans to visit Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, whom he called a liar off-mike, to clear up a “misunderstanding” while media remains mum on its original cover-up of his remarks. Sarkozy spoke with President Barack Obama 10 days ago in a private room after a press conference with reporters, some of whom […]

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Poll: Americans Prefer Netanyahu to Obama

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is enjoying more popularity in the United States than President Barack Obama, a new poll indicates. The results of the poll, which was conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, were published on Thursday by Israel’s Channel 10 News. It involved 800 U.S. citizens who were asked to answer several questions related […]

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Report: Sarkozy calls Netanyahu ‘liar’; Obama Disses Israel

Microphones accidently left on after G20 meeting pick up private conversation between US, French presidents. Sarkozy admits he ‘can’t stand’ Israeli premier. Obama: You’re fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day! French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told US President Barack Obama that he could not “stand” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu […]

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Israel Approves Shalit Deal; 1,027 Terrorists to be Released to Plan More Terror (VIDEOS)

The Israeli cabinet voted late Tuesday night on the deal to release kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. The vote came following a stormy meeting. 26 ministers supported the deal with only three – Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau, and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon – voting against the deal. As part of […]

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