Police Commissioner: Crime Has Skyrocketed Because Of Democrats’ Bail Reform

NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea blamed Democrats’ bail reform during a press conference on Friday, saying that it was responsible for an explosion of crime around the city. “Since 2020 began, as of Friday at midnight, robberies are up 32.5 percent, car theft is up 61 percent and burglaries are up 18 percent compared to […]

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Synagogue Stabbings Suspect Captured after Two-Hour Police Chase

Last night a terrorist named Grafton Thomas entered a synagogue in Monsey, NY and slashed and injured at least 5 Jews during Hanukkah. Far leftist advocate Erin Biba came out and blamed white supremacy, Grafton Thomas the terrorist attacker is black. Erin Biba is a far left science writer who has contributed to National Geographic, BBC, […]

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London’s Muslim Mayor: Terror Attacks ‘Part And Parcel Of Life In A Big City

Sadiq Khan, London’s London mayor is preparing western countries to live with Muslims in a bold multicultural push right after multiple attacks in the United States from Muslim terrorist. Khan was in New York and met with his counterpart in the Big Apple, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, and explained that urban dwellers should simply […]

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ISIS Releases Video Threatening New York; New Magazine Issue

The Islamic State has released the next issue of its English-language magazine and another propaganda video threatening to strike NYC. Thu, November 19, 2015 The Islamic State has released a video threatening a terrorist attack on New York City, along with the latest issue of its glossy propaganda magazine Dabiq. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio […]

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