Why and How the US is Involved in the Russia-Ukraine War? All roads Lead Back to Obama in 2005

If you don’t yet understand what we are doing in Ukraine, here is a quick and simple explanation. Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation. The CIA moved into Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking to take advantage of the lawless and destabilized country, using it as […]

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Obamagate: The Surveillance and Political Spying Operations Highlighted by John Durham are the Tip of the Iceberg

  Against the latest court filings by John Durham, highlighting the tip of the political surveillance iceberg, I have been asked to re-post the deep dive into the totality of the scale of the iceberg. I will add some of the latest information into the outline to show how it all connects. Barack Obama and […]

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Was Trump Laid Low Just to Satisfy Barack Obama’s Ego?

By Jeannie DeAngelis After studying the Kenyan Imposter for 14 years, it’s evident that the former president was, and is, a thin-skinned, vindictive, narcissistic, self-obsessed child. Condescending Barack Obama has proven that accolades are his life’s blood. When accolades turn into differing opinions, the former POTUS soothes his wounded ego by publicly disgracing his critics. Barack […]

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President Trump on DOJ Investigations into Obamagate: “I Do Hear It’s Breathtaking What They Found”

President Trump joined Lou Dobbs on Tuesday night. During their conversation President Trump told Dobbs “it’s a horrible thing that took place” President Trump: We caught them spying. Now it’s up to our Attorney General. As you know I wanted them to do it. I didn’t want to get overly involved… I do hear it’s breathtaking […]

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Attkisson v. Holder: The Government Spied on Me and Now is Hiding the Guilty Parties

By Sharyl Attkisson At least once a day, I find myself taking a breath and silently marveling over the outrageous fact that the Department of Justice continues to fight my computer intrusion case in court. They are spending your tax money to protect the guilty parties rather than hold them accountable. This is the opposite of […]

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The Obama Administration Illegally Fabricated The Russiagate “Evidence”, Says Former NSA Tech Chief

An important public statement was made on July 27th by Bill Binney, the U.S. Government’s top expert on the internet, and on computer hacking. He had been the Technical Director of the NSA when he quit and became a whistleblower against that Agency while George W. Bush was the U.S. President and invaded Iraq on […]

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Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed Show Comey / Muller FBI Protected Epstein

The same Jim Comey that lied under oath to Congress on multiple occasions under oath about Hillary’s email crimes, and the same Muller that investigated Trump on made up charges by the Obama administration in a set up, also protected pedophile child rapist Jeffery Eipstein. Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers tried to keep x-rated evidence related to […]

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Obama Holdovers with Terrorist Connections Still Employed by the DoJ

By Pamela Geller What’s with all the Barack Hussein Obama holdovers who can still be found throughout the Trump administration? It is now just a little over three months before the 2020 presidential election, and despite an alarming amount of evidence of Obama holdovers still in the Washington bureaucracy, working hard to block Trump policies, all too […]

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Obama Years Sowed the Seeds for the Current Societal Chaos

By Steve McCann The election of Barack Obama in 2008 and the unfathomable defeat of his hand-picked successor Hillary Clinton in 2016 rendered inevitable the societal chaos and attempted cultural revolution presently roiling the country.  This entire wretched spectacle comes with a label of origin: Manufactured by Obama and Associates. After nearly 40 years of gradual […]

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