Barack Obama’s Ongoing Brazen Coup d’état

Resentful ex-president who bears ill will toward America—even fomenting for its “fundamental transformation”—and including staging a coup against his replacement while still in office— is working out to be the biggest American political tragedy. By Judi McLeod It wasn’t until the coronavirus wreaked havoc forcing the entire nation on lockdown, that anti-American, covert snake-in-the-grass lifelong “community […]

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Mexican President Demands Clarity or Apology from Obama Admins “Fast and Furious” Gun Running Program

Obama and his cronies are having a very bad month, just last week it was exposed Obama himself set up the Russian collusion hoax in an illegal attempt to fix the election outcome and now Mexico is coming after Obama for the illegal activities there. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador called on the US […]

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Obama is panicking

By Monica Showalter After seeming years of silence, and plenty of billionaire vacays, President Obama is on the warpath. Here’s what the Washington Post is reporting: Former president Barack Obama shared deep worries Friday about the Justice Department’s decision to drop its prosecution of ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn, telling old aides on a call that “our basic understanding […]

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Obama dubs Trump’s handling of virus as ‘tribal, divided’

Half a year ahead of the US presidential race, former US President Barack H. Obama slammed President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis. In a 30-minute conversation with members of the Obama Alumni Association, Obama referred to Trump’s management of the outbreak as “a complete chaotic disaster” and attacked the President in a number […]

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News Flash: DOJ Targeted Other Conservatives

By Patti Stockman A friend emailed me recently to say that on May 1st, in his opening monologue, Tucker Carlson made the statement, ”You don’t want to live in a society where the most powerful agency in government imprisons people it doesn’t like.  That is horrifying.” Our friend lamented that he wishes there is someone who could […]

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Newly released material in the Flynn case implicates Barack Hussein Obama

By Andrea Widburg A newly released document indicates that Obama pushed the FBI to go after Michael Flynn.  It’s not yet clear, though, if this was part of a larger plot on Obama’s part to destroy Trump’s presidency or was merely part of Obama’s vendetta against Flynn himself.  It appears, too, that while Biden probably wasn’t part of […]

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Latest DOJ Documents Released In Flynn Case Reveal Corrupt Obama White House Was Running the Illegal Operation

 The latest documents released by the DOJ provide additional shocking evidence that the currupt Obama White House was running the illegal operation to spy on candidate and then President Trump in an effort to destroy the incoming administration and have President Trump eventually and illegally removed from office! The latest emails released from the DOJ […]

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Fake News Media Totally Ignore Earth-Shattering Details and Documents on General Flynn Being Set Up by Obama

  Yesterday, earth shattering details about how the Obama-Biden FBI set up General Michael Flynn to sow chaos, destroy his life and sabotage the incoming Trump administration came to light. Handwritten notes were even released showing the Obama deep state’s intent to sabotage the Trump administration. New documents filed in Flynn’s case reveal the FBI […]

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