
Shariamerica, Better learn to say “Salaam Aleikum! That’s correct Sharia Law already active here in the USA and we are not speaking only of Dearborn Michigan’s  recent court battles,  it leads right to the top to Clinton and Obama. (watch video) [youtube ErzxOz3Dzv8 nolink]

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Europe Must Stand Up to Islamism

By Hege Storhaug– In the past few months, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister David Cameron have all firmly rejected the disaster that is multiculturalism. Europe is finally waking up to the threat posed by decades of policies which preached tolerance, yet bred the exact opposite: an intolerance by […]

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A Textbook Study of Denial and Coverup

The Washington Times is pulling no punches as they assess the Obama Administration’s handling of the Fort Hood killings: “A Senate investigation has found that the November 2009 Fort Hood massacre was predictable and avoidable, something that was obvious to anyone except members of the Obama administration. Worse, the White House still refuses to admit […]

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British Schoolgirl’s Testimony – Muslims Threaten Children With Violence & Rape

British Schoolgirl’s Testimony – Muslims Threaten Children With Violence &; Rape Outside School Daily. The fact is that the British police could stop this but they’re hobbled by political correctness toward Muslims.  Pedophilia is often allowed within Islamic communities.  The person Muslims consider a prophet in Islam is a man named Mohamamd, also the founder […]

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Hating Ourselves to Death

Elizabeth Scalia– A few years ago I had occasion to spend a few days in Vienna. The beautiful city of museums and music remains a favorite but a forlorn one; its charming avenues and architecture and nightly concerts could not fully distract from the sleepy sense of diminishment that hung over the city, like the […]

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