RIP Scotland

Scotland had their was chance to save itself and breakaway from having their affairs controlled by  globalist and progressives. It would have been hilarious to see the globalist leftist  sweat as Scotland voting yes would have had a domino effect around the world from Catalan to even several states in the USA where a recent poll reveled that […]

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Raped by Multiculturalism

Last week, it was revealed that between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 girls — in just one relatively small English city (Rotherham, population 275,000) had been raped by gangs of men over the past decade. As summarized in a British government inquiry: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that […]

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Media Distortion of Radical Islam

by DR. PHYLLIS CHESLER:   We have all suffered the glaring omissions, false moral equivalencies, and unfair and unbalanced reporting in the formerly distinguished mainstream media venues. This media has absolutely refused to write about Islamic Jihad-terrorism in a truthful way. The politically correct fearfulness that they will be condemned as unfashionable and Islamophobic–and perhaps sued and […]

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Political Correctness Makes Race & Genetics Taboo in the West, Which is why China is Winning

Most scientists will tell you that race has no biological basis—it is, in academic-speak, a “social construct.” But a new book by distinguished journalist Nicholas Wade challenges that assumption, concluding that race is real and human social behaviour is subject to natural selection just like everything else. As the New York Review of Books put it, in […]

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