Crybaby College Students Cry and Call for Safe Space Because Someone Chalked “TRUMP 2016” on the Sidewalk.

You’re gonna think this came from The Onion, but I assure you it didn’t. This really happened here in America. This is the level we are at. People are always talking about how they are afraid of terrorism. Or economic collapse. You know what I’m afraid of? The younger generations of college students who have […]

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Media report SOLELY on Trump mention in terror recruitment video, CENSORS Hillary is in it TOO

The enemedia strikes again. The media’s latest stunt in their desperate  and unhinged campaign to save their Muslim victimhood narrative and blame-America-for-jihad is their headlines blaring that Trump is featured in a newly released Islamic savage video. The not-so-subtle implication is that criticism of jihad and/or sharia causes jihad terror. The not-so-subtle accusation is that […]

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Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump’s ‘Muslim’ Comments

by JOHN NOLTE Left-wing cable news network CNN has been caught red-handed selectively editing Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s comments about a “Muslim registry,” and doing so in order to make it sound as though he is agreeing to this registry. He is not. The edited video is yet another lying log on the left-wing […]

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No, Ben Carson Didn’t Lie About West Point. It’s Another Media Hit Job.

BY:BEN SHAPIRO Never underestimate the capacity of the media to propagandize against Republicans. That’s the theme of this morning’s overwrought news coverage on Dr. Ben Carson’s supposed “lie” regarding a “scholarship” to West Point. The story began with Politico, which ran with the audacious headline, “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.” Even I was taken […]

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Media Manipulation: Journalists moved body of the Kobani child to a better location for photos

Photo journalists in Turkey carefully planned and moved the dead body of the Kobani child refugee Aylan Kurd to a better location for photos and to better propagate their agenda to western nations. The dead three year old was chosen by the Turkish media over other bodies as he was the youngest and would gain the […]

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Why the Media Hates Trump

By Cliff Kincaid Before Donald Trump ran for president, few people had heard of the Stolen Lives Quilt made in remembrance of Americans killed by illegal aliens. But on Friday, July 10, families of the victims appeared with Trump to talk about the illegal alien crime wave in America and to criticize the news media […]

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Sick Liberalism: 8th Graders to Learn About Anal Sex; Homosexuality

PARENTS BEWARE: Some Virginia students in 8th grade will soon be receiving lessons on “oral and anal” sex. Fourth graders will receive instruction about incest. The goal is to teach students about homosexual, bisexual, and transgender identity. “Starting in kindergarten, students will be taught about same-sex or gay marriage and the parents will not be […]

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Homosexuals Establish Program That Will Force Young Boys In Elementary School To Wear Dresses

By Theodore Shoebat Homosexuals in Italy, alongside their modernist allies, have formed a program in the Italian education system that will have elementary school students cross dress, with boys and girls wearing clothes of the opposite gender. I did a whole video on this evil. [youtube 8ReyoeH9MJg nolink] According to the report: Parents from the […]

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