ISIS didn’t radicalize them, they were already radicalized.

The mainstream media are unscrupulously promoting their ingenuous utopian view, that all is needed to stop ISIS is to avoid making unpleasant criticisms on social media, and for western society to refrain from being so ‘Islamophobic’. Unfortunately the majority of individuals are swallowing this forced medicinal psychosis unsuspectingly. Sunshine, rainbows and unicorns are a much […]

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Islam: The Religion of Bigotry

Barack Obama has said repeatedly that Islam is “a religion of peace.”  His administration has accused those who do not agree with this proposition — or who dare mention Islamic violence against women and homicidal oppression of homosexuals — of “Islamophobia.” These are fictions and the President has done the country a fundamental disservice by […]

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Muslim Rape Misunderstandings Come to Europe

Daniel Greenfield After Muslim terrorist attacks, we’re told that the killers just “misunderstood” their religion. They misunderstood the peaceful nature of Koranic verses such as “Kill them wherever you find them”, “They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides” and “Strike off their heads […]

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Words of Satan: Islam

Words of Satan: Islam I am an atheist, so I don’t think that there is a Satan and God, but if I am wrong, if there is a Satan, Islam must be the words of Satan, not from a “holy” God. None of the “God” conceptions of other religions in the world are as cruel […]

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American Children Being Indoctrinated Into Islam

Should parents be penalized for demanding that their child be exempted from the required teaching of Islamic in Common Core curriculum? Should a teach or public school administrator penalize parents and children for seeking exemption? Parents are finding out the answers to these questions first hand. To date, public school students are required to: Attend […]

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Oldest Koran “Destabilizes” Islamic History, Scientist Say it Pre-Dates Mohammed

Fragments of an early Koran found in a Birmingham library may rewrite Islamic history after carbon dating revealed they could be older than Mohammed the founder of Islam and its prophet. Scientists at the University of Oxford had already revealed that the parchment was among the oldest known Koranic texts in the world, but now […]

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