The Founders on Defense Spending

In the midst of the current budget battle, there are a lot of folks—right and left—who assume that defense spending is a luxury that America just can’t afford at the moment. This a view far removed from James Madison’s conviction that “security against foreign danger is…an avowed and essential object of the American Union.” America’s […]

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Goodbye to Venezuela’s Globovision?

On October 7, 2012, the Venezuelan people will have the opportunity to elect a new president. In the months leading up to the election, Venezuelans are sure to hear plenty of campaign rhetoric from the unabashed President Hugo Chavez, but the question is: How much will they hear from the opposition? Globovision, a television channel […]

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Poverty Measure a Gimmick to Equalize Incomes

The Census Bureau’s new poverty measure is another tool in President Obama’s endless quest to “spread the wealth.” Although the media portray it as a more accurate measurement of poverty, in reality it deliberately severs all connection between “poverty” and actual deprivation. The new measure places income thresholds for poverty on a built-in escalator that […]

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Free-market Reforms Take Hold in Cuba

SANTA ISABEL DE LAS LAJAS, Cuba (AP) — On sleepy streets plied by rickety horse-drawn carts and rusting 1950s automobiles, the sounds of commerce are once again being heard in Cuba’s countryside. A private sandwich shop has opened in a town previously served only by a grim state-run cafeteria. A woman sells trinkets from a small […]

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Myths of Austerity Failures

Evidence shows that “austerity” during a sharp downturn in 1920 coincided with quick economic recovery and robust growth throughout the rest of the decade. Nevertheless, there is a belief that the example of President Herbert Hoover from 1929–1933 was a failure of austerity, which pushed the economy into the Great Depression. It was not. Hoover […]

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Principles of Plenty

Speech by Congressman McClintock given to the California Independent Automobile Dealers Association We are in the third year of policies predicated on the assumption that if Government just injects enough money into the economy, it can jump start consumer spending and therefore, economic growth. For three years, this administration has squandered more than a trillion […]

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