The Chinese Know…Americans Will Be Last To Figure It Out
The Chinese Know…Americans Will Be Last To Figure It Out
The Chinese Know…Americans Will Be Last To Figure It Out
by Eric Golub FrontPage Magazine April 30, 2010 A conference at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on April 16, 2010, offered “Critical Perspectives on the Criminalization of Islamic Philanthropy in the War on Terror.” Co-sponsored by the UCLA International Institute, the Critical Race Studies Program, and the UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near […]
March 30, 2010 | By Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D. President Obama this morning cited The Heritage Foundation’s research in an attempt to sell his health care package as a “middle of the road, centrist approach.” We take great exception to this misuse of our work and abuse of our name. This is but the latest act in […]
By Amanda J. Reinecker On Tuesday, just 36 hours after the House of Representatives voted, President Obama signed into law the massive health care reform bill. Despite its tremendous policy flaws, its lack of bipartisan backing, its widespread public disapproval and its egregious constitutional inadequacies, Obamacare is now the law of the land. » The […]
By Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief ( – In a preview of his book “Conservative Victory—Defeating Obama’s Radical Agenda,” due to be released Monday, Sean Hannity said of the policies President Barack Obama has been pursuing: “If you look up the dictionary definition of socialism, this is it.” Hannity made the observation in a video […]
By: Ronald Kessler Unlike most politicians, President Obama is an ideologue who sees his presidency as a way to extend government control over Americans’ lives, Ed Gillespie, former counselor to President George W. Bush, tells Newsmax. “I believe that he and the people around him see this as an opportunity to seize control of one […]
In the days of the old Pravda, one could determine who was winning secret Politburo power struggles by just looking at the official Soviet newspaper. Those winning simply got better press. Perhaps it may be no different here in the United States. This week two of the heaviest guns in American media, The […]
If you watched with alarm as the government took over General Motors and Chrysler, and as Democrats tried to increase government’s role in the health care industry, you should be scared to death by the discussion of the mortgage markets. The unspoken, bottom line: The federal government has already nationalized the housing industry. We’re not […]