Two Cheers for House Energy Bill

Often when policymakers introduce legislation in Washington, the title of the bill doesn’t always correspond with what the bill actually does. This is not one of those times. U.S. House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R–CA) recently introduced the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act, which would greatly improve access to America’s resources, bringing jobs and much […]

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Obama’s ‘Illegal Immigrants’ Amnesty Will Tighten Competition for Jobs

President Obama has just opened the floodgates for young illegal immigrants in the United States, a move that will ultimately squeeze the aspirations of legal Americans in the process. Obama’s illegal immigration policy will create significant new competition for jobs and university slots at a time of nationwide recession and numerous states’ efforts to curb […]

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Is Obama Turning the Economy Around?

President Obama took to the national stage today and again repeated his claims that administration policies are producing a robust economic recovery. However, public opinion polls and recent election results underscore a very different perception: working Americans see an economy still deeply depressed in key sectors and much slower everywhere than it should be. In […]

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Obama’s Summer Jobs Rerun

President Obama’s latest speech laid out some policy retreads for tackling the tepid recovery, while he lectured Europe to get its act together. He is right about the sorry state of the U.S. economy, which has proven highly resistant, if not downright impervious, to his past stimulus efforts. And he is right about the threat […]

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Obama Creates “Green Jobs” – In Other Countries; Obama’s Wasteful Stimulus Spending (VIDEO)

President Obama’s reckless Stimulus spent billions of our tax dollars to create “green jobs”–in foreign countries like Mexico, Finland, and China. The American people deserve to know what’s going on–and that our tax dollars are being wasted on handouts to other countries, instead of creating jobs for 13 million unemployed Americans. With the DNC admitting […]

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(VIDEO) U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms; Obama Keeps Americans Unemployed

Cities hire Chinese instead of American workers for building projects. SHOCKING ABC News on Obama/USA Infrastructure. Diane Sawyer reporting on U.S. bridge projects going to the Chinese… NOT Americans. The bridges are right here in the U.S. and yet Obama has approved for Chinese contractors to come in and do the work. What about jobs […]

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