Indiana Pins Hopes on Right-to-Work Bill to Spur Job Growth

Indiana lawmakers are bracing for another high-profile fight over a right-to-work bill when the legislative session opens Wednesday. Last year Democrats fled the state in protest, preventing the legislature from conducting business for five weeks. The right-to-work bill would end forced unionization for private-sector workers in Indiana. Its supporters say the bill would increase jobs […]

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Obama Places Himself on the Continuum of Greatness – Considers Himself 4th Greatest President

Posted on December 20, 2011 by John Hinderaker There was an initially-overlooked moment in President Obama’s recent interview with 60 Minutes. Excerpts from the interview were played on television, and CBS posted the interview in its entirety on its web site. Left on the cutting-room floor, it turned out, was a revealing moment when Obama […]

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The Real Unemployment Numbers

“Not Counted by Obama” Discouraged Workers are Responsible for Reducing the Unemployment Rate,  Not Job Creation. Friday’s farcical unemployment report has a lot of people scratching their heads. It’s a farce not because of how the rate is calculated, but because the media and the Obama administration are presenting the report as some sort of indication that […]

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Obama’s Leftist Conundrum

by Daniel Pipes November 27, 2011 Cross-posted from National Review Online Barack Obama suffers from an inherent policy contradiction, especially in foreign affairs. On the one hand, as a Leftist he despises the United States and sees it as a force for ill in the world. On the other, as president, is judged by how […]

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