Liberal Lie: Illegals Don’t Take American Jobs.

One of the points that conservatives repeatedly make is that Americans could solve a major part of the unemployment problem if they were  to fix the illegal immigration mess. Liberals always claim Americans don’t want those jobs taken by Illegals. Alabama passed a law effectively criminalizing working if you’re here illegally, and guess what happened? Unemployment […]

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Correction, Senator Reid. Regulations Are Contributing to Poor Job Growth

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) took to the Senate floor and made a bold assertion–that there isn’t any evidence that regulations cost jobs, citing statistics from a Labor Department report that “last year, only three-tenths of 1 percent of people who lost their jobs were let go principally because of government regulation or […]

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Rep. West to Media: ‘Stop Being Afraid of This President’ Who ‘Is Destroying This Country’

( – Congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) called on the media to “stop being afraid” of President Barack Obama who is “destroying this country.” West made his remarks on Tuesday at a press conference in support of the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline. “It’s about time that I asked this from the media: Stop being afraid of […]

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Actual Unemployment Rate Is at ‘Great Depression Levels’

U.S. unemployment rates may officially be hovering around 9 percent but in reality, they’re up near the 20 percent levels around the time of the Great Depression, maybe even higher, economist and author Mark Skousen told Newsmax in an exclusive interview. Unemployment rates measure the number of people in the workforce looking for jobs. But […]

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More Than 150,000 Mexican Cargo Trucks to Enter United States

MEXICO CITY – Eleven Mexican trucking companies hope to join a pilot program that could see more than 150,000 vehicles delivering products to destinations deep inside the United States by year’s end, the vice president of the Canacar transport association said. Eight of the 11 firms have already submitted applications and are awaiting a response […]

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Job Creators Call for Bold Solutions on Tax Reform, Deficit Reduction

Washington politicians talk a good game when it comes to job creation. But when it comes to actually doing something, they’ve been unable to provide long-term stability on tax policy and reassure business leaders they’re serious about deficit reduction. The result is a cloudy economic climate that has left businesses sitting on cash rather than […]

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Jobs or Economic Growth?

In the currently battered U.S. economy, with high unemployment and bleak growth prospects, politics has become a contest of dueling jobs plans: politicians of every stripe have them. Their motivation may be sincere, but their concept is wrong – and they are just perpetuating the myth that government can create jobs. It can’t. It can […]

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Obama’s War on Job Creators

Today, President Barack Obama is expected to announce his latest plan for reducing the deficit, and central to it are $1.5 trillion in new taxes, aimed predominantly at wealthy Americans. Unfortunately for the 14 million unemployed Americans, the President is continuing down his steady path of ushering in big spending policies, then turning to even […]

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Obama’s Jobs Plan is ‘a Complete Joke’

President Barack Obama’s recently unveiled $447 billion job-creating bill is “a complete joke” and won’t work because the economy needs less spending not more, says Marc Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom and Doom report. The package is “another complete failure of Keynesian economics and corrupt interventions,” Faber tells “This all amid talk of […]

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