B-61 Remains Relevant for U.S. Security

Efforts to eliminate funding for the B-61 gravity bomb threaten to undermine U.S. deterrence, writes Thomas Karako, director of the Center for the Study of American Democracy at Kenyon College. Components of the B-61 weapon, the U.S.’s most visible commitment to European security, are reaching the end of their service lives. The U.S. must extend […]

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Dennis Rodman: Kim Jong-un is Trying to Change North Korea ‘in a Great Way’

(CNSNews.com) – Former American basketball star Dennis Rodman, who arrived in Pyongyang Monday on his fourth visit to the reclusive Stalinist state, said North Korea was “not bad,” and that Kim Jong-un “is actually trying to change this country in a great way.” Rodman, who has met with Kim – purportedly a basketball fan – […]

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Drone Strikes

India to Buy 15 Drones from Israel

India will purchase 15 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from Israel, news outlets reported Monday. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh approved the purchase at a Cabinet meeting, according to Defense Update. The goal: to boost India’s line of surveillance against northern border countries and regional rivals Pakistan and China. The purchase will cost about 1,200 crores / 120 million […]

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ObamaCare’s four biggest lies

US President Barack Obama’s famous vow — “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan. Period.” — isn’t the only broken promise of ObamaCare. Now that the Affordable Care Act has actually been in effect for a week, Americans are discovering more pitfalls associated with the massive overhaul. […]

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This Week in Congress: January 6-10

House Analysis: This week, the House may consider legislation to amend the Exchange Information Disclosure Act, a bill designed to increase transparency in the operation of American Health Benefit Exchanges. It may also consider the Health Exchange Security and Transparency Act of 2014, a bill to require notifying individuals of breaches of personally identifiable information through the […]

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ObamaCare Scam Collapsing as Uninsured Realize How Little it Offers Them

By Daniel Greenfield -The whole point of ObamaCare was, supposedly, to end the problem of the uninsured who would now get insurance. But the uninsured are unethusiastic about paying a good deal of money for what is little more than catastrophic coverage. On paper, Tammy Bourdeaux, a gay uninsured freelance social worker who couldn’t afford […]

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Is Common Core Leaving Students Unprepared in Math and Science?

Newscom A leading education reform scholar argues that Common Core national standards are leaving students unprepared for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Sandra Stotsky, who served as a senior associate commissioner in the Massachusetts Department of Education and worked on the National Validation Committee for the Common Core State Systemic Initiative, writes in the Wall […]

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