Senator Feinstein to Homeland Security: Stop Enforcing Immigration Law

Jebb Harris/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom In a letter to Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Janet Napolitano, Senator Diane Feinstein (D–CA) has asked that DHS stop enforcing immigration law regarding farm workers: Immigration and Customs Enforcement has wisely used its prosecutorial discretion to defer removal of young people who arrived in the United States without documentation […]

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5 Immigration Falsehoods from the White House

Congress gets back to its regularly scheduled work on Monday—and there’s plenty of immigration propaganda greeting them. The falsehoods from the White House just keep on coming, and Catholic leaders have called for clergy to preach in support of the Senate-passed immigration overhaul this Sunday. On the White House blog, Cecilia Muñoz, assistant to the […]

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What Do You Want to Know About Syria?

President Obama said last year that the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a “red line.” It wasn’t one that he rushed to enforce, but that’s what he called it. Yesterday, President Obama made headlines by saying that the red line wasn’t really his, but the whole world’s, and that “Congress’s credibility is on […]

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Ted Cruz: USA is Not ‘Al-Qaeda’s Air Force’

On Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz distilled the current debate over possible military action in Syria to its essential dilemma. While Syrian President Bashar Assad is certainly a ruthless dictator, the forces aligned against him are dominated by jihadis and elements of terrorist organizations. Cruz noted that Americans didn’t enlist in the military to “serve as […]

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5 Reasons Congress Should Press Obama on Syria

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) both endorsed military action in Syria yesterday, but it’s unclear whether President Obama has sufficient support in Congress for a resolution authorizing such action. House and Senate hearings this week give Members of Congress an opportunity to question the Obama Administration on Syria and […]

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Obama’s Visit to Russia Nears As U.S. and Russian Warships Head to Eastern Med

( – Russian warships reportedly were heading for the eastern Mediterranean on Friday, one week before President Obama is due to attend a G20 summit hosted by President Vladimir Putin at a time when bilateral relations are at their lowest ebb since Russia invaded Georgia five summers ago. As Obama continues to mull a possible […]

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Countdown to Obamacare Exchanges

While America was resting from its labors, the countdown to Obamacare began. In just 27 days, the Obamacare exchanges are scheduled to open, and people who don’t get health insurance through their employers (or through the government already) will start buying coverage. Sixteen states are doing their own insurance exchanges, while the federal government is […]

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Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners ‘Is the Right Thing to Do’

( – The Chicago Public Schools this year are mandating that the district’s kindergarten classes include sex education, fulfilling a proposal President Barack Obama supported in 2003 when he served in the Illinois state senate and later defended when he ran for president in the 2008 election cycle. At a Planned Parenthood convention at the […]

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CIA finds 1 in 5 flagged job applicants come from Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda

By Cheryl K. Chumley The Washington Times Individuals with connections to al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations repeatedly tried to obtain jobs in US intelligence community; ‘One of five CIA applicants has connections to hostile groups’ An estimated one-fifth of a subset of all applicants for Central Intelligence Agency positions had significant ties to the terror […]

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