Nuclear reactor (illustration)

Court Kicks Yucca Mountain Review Back in Motion

Newscom Despite the politics surrounding Yucca Mountain and the Obama Administration’s policy to terminate the project, a federal court today held the executive branch to its chief role: executing the law. After 468 days of waiting, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia today ruled that, despite the President’s wishes, the Nuclear […]

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The Imperial President Will Act on His Own

In a recent email to supporters, President Obama lamented the frustrating inadequacy of his office. “There’s only so much I can do on my own” without Congress, he confessed. As a matter of constitutional interpretation, he’s right. But in practice, the President has shown a distinct contempt for the legal limits on his power. Obama’s […]

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Sen. Cornyn: ‘Real Obama Record’ Is Highest Unemployment Since Great Depression

( – Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) lambasted “the real Obama record,” which he said shows a lack of economic growth and the highest levels of unemployment since the Great Depression. “In other words, President Obama wants us to pretend that the last four and a half years never happened,” Cornyn wrote  in an op-ed Friday in […]

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4 Things John Kerry Got Wrong in a 4½-Minute Video

Secretary of State John Kerry has a new, impassioned video appeal for the U.S. Senate to consent to ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Kerry’s speechwriters should have checked their facts, though. [youtube Rx5UPeD-UVc nolink] Among Kerry’s mistakes and mischaracterizations are the following: “[The CRPD] will help protect […]

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March On Media Rally: ‘Real War on Women’ is Media Silence on Abortion

( – Pro-life activists held a rally outside of ABC Studios in Washington, D.C. Thursday to “demand honest reporting” and to protest “the mainstream media’s censorship of the truth regarding abortion.” The rally was hosted by Live Action, a non-profit pro-life organization. Over 53 million abortions have been performed in the U.S. since the Supreme Court […]

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“We’re losing the country,” a Maryland man said at a town hall meeting. “I want to see more defiance!” He wasn’t talking to local tea partiers; he was talking to his Republican Member of Congress. It is time to take a stand against Obamacare. Heritage President Jim DeMint and Heritage Action for America CEO Michael […]

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