Learning from Detroit’s Mistakes

Detroit is the poster child for economic decline. The city’s policies and politics over the past half-century should serve as a “do not” guide for policymakers across the country. There’s a great deal lawmakers in Washington can learn. The first is understanding that Detroit’s demise was the result of big-government, liberal policies promoted by self-interested […]

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Kate Middleton probably spent less on childbirth than the average American woman

Estimated cost for stay at Kate Middleton’s private birthing suite: $15,000. Cost of average delivery in the United States: $30,000. In case you hadn’t heard, Kate Middleton recently had a baby boy. The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth at the private Ludo Wing of St. Mary’s Hospital in central London, which, according to The Daily […]

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Conservative and Tea Party Leaders: Now Is the Time to Stop Obamacare

Credit: KEVIN DIETSCH/UPI/Newscom Under a cloudy Washington sky on Thursday, members of Congress joined with conservative leaders and tea party groups to unite against Obamacare. Comparing Obamacare to the day’s weather, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said, “Obamacare hangs over our heads like a cloud of uncertainty because people don’t know what tomorrow’s going to bring.” […]

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Is Congress Too Good for Obamacare? Congress Relieved Program Won’t Be Forced on Them

For the past few months, members of Congress and their staffs have been discussing behind closed doors the worrying proposition that they will be forced off their popular health insurance program and onto the federal insurance exchanges set up under Obamacare. Those concerns reached a fevered pitch this week as President Obama, while making a […]

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As Kerry Launches Peace Effort, Where’s the Goodwill Gesture from the Palestinians?

(CNSNews.com) – As Secretary of State John Kerry announced Tuesday a goal of achieving a “final status agreement” between Israelis and Palestinians within nine months, secrecy surrounds what concession or goodwill gesture – if any – Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas made to get the process underway. The P.A. only agreed to send negotiators to […]

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Obamacare HHS Mandate Headed to Supreme Court?

Jim Pickerell Stock Connection Worldwide/Newscom On Friday, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals blocked a temporary halt to the coercive Obamacare mandate that requires employers to provide coverage of abortion-inducing drugs. The ruling, which rejected claims under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, is at odds with a June en banc decision […]

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How to Use Obamacare to Scam Taxpayers

Looking for a little extra cash? If you’re interested in defrauding taxpayers, it might be as easy as writing down a number on a form. The number is your income. The form is the Obamacare application. If you do not have “affordable” employer-sponsored health insurance and your income is between about $31,800 and $94,200 for […]

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