Defense: Mismatch Between Strategy and Ability

picturescolourlibrary/Pictures Colour Library/Newscom In a recent article in National Review, Heritage distinguished fellow and former Senator Jim Talent (R–MO) explains that the U.S. military is facing a troubling future. Talent describes how “every category of primary risk to American security is growing.” China is displaying increasing boldness in defense of its disputed territorial claims in […]

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Michelle Malkin Wins 2013 Breitbart Award for Excellence in Journalism

ORLANDO—The Heritage Foundation and Franklin Center for Government Public Integrity presented the second annual Breitbart Award to Michelle Malkin, syndicated columnist and Fox News Channel contributor. Malkin was honored at tonight’s Krieble Dinner at Heritage’s Resource Bank. The award was presented by Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint and Franklin Center President Jason Stverak. The Breitbart […]

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State Gov’ts May Push Workers to Health Exchange, Costing Treasury Millions

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — In a move that would capitalize on provisions under President Barack Obama’s health care law but could cost the federal government millions of dollars, Washington state lawmakers have found a creative way to pass a large chunk of their health care expenses along to Washington, D.C. — and analysts say others […]

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10 Myths About the Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

As Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is being debated in the states, many myths are being perpetuated by its advocates. Here, Heritage provides the research to debunk such myths: 1. Myth: Expanding Medicaid is “free money” for the states. Reality: The expansion adds an estimated $638 billion in new government spending from 2013–2023. New spending at the […]

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