North Korea Ups the Ante with Cyber Attack

Korean Central News Agency via Korean News Service On Tuesday, several South Korean banks and television broadcasters were taken offline due to a “pretty massive” cyber attack. For the most part these attacks were just a nuisance, temporarily cutting off online access to bank accounts and freezing TV station computers, though not interfering with any […]

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Demand Congress Block Obama’s Radical Left Labor Nominee Thomas Perez

DEMAND SENATE BLOCK OBAMA’S RADICAL LEFTIST LABOR NOMINEE PEREZ! THOMAS PEREZ: ANTI-AMERICAN, PRO-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, SHARIAH-SUPPORTING PROGRESSIVE Dismissed 2008 New Black Panther Party Voter Intimidation Case URGENT: Seizing the opportunity to force Congress to a hurried decision BEFORE their Easter recess, Barack Obama on Monday nominated race-baiting radical Thomas Perez as Labor Secretary to replace outgoing […]

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Ferenc Szaniszlo

Hungarian Anti-Semite Wins Journalism Award

March 19, 2013 18:56 by Pesach Benson Israel slammed Hungary for giving a journalism award to TV news presenter Ferenc Szaniszlo. In 2011, Szaniszlo was fined for making disparaging comments about Jews and Roma. Haaretz writes: In a clip of one of his programs from 2010, posted on YouTube, Szaniszlo said Israel had been created […]

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$123,000 Department of Education Salary in the Time of Sequester

Newscom What pain has sequester wrought at the federal Department of Education? Apparently, not much. The 4,200-person agency has just hired a new “executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans.” Fox News reports that the position apparently commands a six-figure salary, as the new director—a former aide to Representative […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration

Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference Salam al-Marayati – Obama Adviser – founder Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current Executive Director Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s […]

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Reflections on the Invasion of Iraq

by Daniel Pipes March 18, 2013 Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner How does one understand the U.S.-led expeditionary force that attacked Iraq exactly a decade ago, on March 18, 2003? Saddam Hussein’s regime was one of the most monstrous in human history, enslaving some 20 million people to his cruel and demanding will […]

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Iraq: Take a Day to Remember

Today is the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq. There will be much heated debate and discussion today about how the war began, why it began, and the results of all the effort, cost, and lives. These are all legitimate questions, but this day should be used for something more important: […]

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