Holder Begins Gun-Control Push: Databases, Junk Science and Informants Just the Beginning!

URGENT: On Friday, Obama gun grab co-conspirator U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced three Justice Department proposals to strengthen the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to meet one of Barack Obama’s 23 gun control edicts announced just two weeks ago. The Obama gun grab has officially begun! If Congress does not answer our […]

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Israel Signals Need for American Leadership in Addressing Iran’s Nuclear Threat

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak recently made comments that have fueled speculation about the looming confrontation with Iran over its nuclear weapons program. In an interview published by the Daily Beast on Friday, Barak was asked if there was any way that Israel could launch a military strike at Iran’s nuclear infrastructure without dragging the […]

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GDP Shows Surprise Drop for US

The U.S. economy posted a stunning drop of 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter, defying expectations for slow growth and possibly providing incentive for more Federal Reserve stimulus. The economy shrank from October through December for the first time since the recession ended, hurt by the biggest cut in defense spending in 40 years, fewer […]

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US Dept of Justice Forces Mega-Mosque on Norwalk, Connecticut Community

by: Ryan Mauro The Al-Madany Islamic Center of Norwalk in Connecticut wasn’t ready to give up when its proposal for a 27,000 square foot facility was turned down by the zoning commission over matters completely unrelated to religion. The Islamic Center sued, asserting—as you might have guessed—it was religious discrimination. The cry of “Islamophobia” got […]

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Iran Tightens Screws on Its Journalists

The regime in Tehran has started tightened censorship beyond its customary draconian rule in anticipation of potential unrest caused by Iran’s upcoming elections in June. On Sunday, a mass arrest of at least 14 reporters for independent news media took place, the largest media crackdown since the presidential election of 2009, which gave birth to […]

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Kerry Confirmed by Senate

Patsy Lynch/Polaris/Newscom The Senate today confirmed John Kerry to be the next Secretary of State by a vote of 94-3. As expected, the former Senator and Foreign Relations Committee chairman had no trouble sailing through his confirmation process. The only three dissenters were Republicans Jim Inhofe (OK), John Cornyn (TX), and Ted Cruz (TX). Kerry […]

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Dead Man on Trial: Russian Whistleblower Tried After Death

Sergei Magnitsky. Photo: PhotoXpress/ZumaPress/Newscom The Russian government is set to posthumously try the brutally murdered whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky for tax fraud. While working for Hermitage Capital, formerly one of Russia’s largest foreign investment firms, Magnitsky uncovered a massive fraud and accused Russian police and tax officials of embezzling $230 million from the Russian treasury. For […]

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Nuclear reactor (illustration)

Obama Doesn’t Believe Reports of Fordow Uranium Enrichment Plant Explosion in Iran

The United States said on Monday that it does not believe reports about an explosion at the Fordow uranium enrichment plant in Iran. “We have no information to confirm the allegations in the report and we do not believe the report is credible,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters. “We don’t believe those are […]

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Presidential Speeches Quiz: Who Said It?

Barack Obama has compared himself to many Presidents. First he ran as Abraham Lincoln reincarnated. He even appealed to the spirit of Ronald Reagan. Then he tried to govern like Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR). He campaigned for re-election as Harry Truman running against a “do-nothing” Congress. He’s been to Osawatomie, Kansas, to channel Theodore Roosevelt. […]

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Foreign Aid: There Are Many Ways Conservatives Can—and Should—Help the Poor

Daniel Hannan, a member of the European Parliament and one of Great Britain’s rising conservative political stars, reminds us that the fundamental error of the left is its “elevation of motive over outcome.” This leads to development assistance policies that are at least doomed to fail and may actually increase poverty. There are many reasons: […]

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