American Islamist Groups Shape Arab Revolutions

by David J. Rusin FrontPage Magazine July 31, 2012 Illustrating that the jihadist enterprise transcends all borders, American Islamist groups typically preoccupied with remaking the U.S. have been leaving their fingerprints on the campaign to exchange secular authoritarianism for religious authoritarianism in the Middle East. As these organizations labor stateside to nudge the governing class […]

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North Korea Threatens US with nuclear test aimed at USA’s West Coast

North Korea has stunned the world by announcing nuclear missile tests targeting its “arch-enemy” America. The secretive hermit-like state released the news of the “high-level nuclear test” late last night. The controversial move comes just two days after the UN Security Council condemned North Korea for recent rocket launches. North Korea’s National Defence Commission said […]

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Harry Reid

Filibuster Deal Restricts Senators’ Rights to Debate Judicial Nominees

This afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced a potential filibuster deal that, among other problematic provisions, limits post-cloture debate on federal district court nominees (and non-Cabinet-level officials). Senators currently have up to 30 hours of post-cloture debate on the merits of a district court nominee; the […]

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Obama to Lead on Climate Change, but Only Through Back Door

Pat Benic/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom During his 2013 inaugural address, President Obama told Americans that the United States “will respond to the threat of climate change” and will take the lead for other countries to follow suit. This commitment is a willful rejection of reality. Congress has been unwilling to enact legislation to unilaterally address climate change. Multilateral […]

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Islamism’s Unity

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online October 30, 2012 A Sept. 14 attack on the U.S. embassy in Tunis left 4 dead, 49 injured, several buildings looted and burnt out, and the black Salafi flag flying above the embassy grounds. In response, the ruling “moderate” Islamist party of Tunisia, Ennahda, forthrightly condemned the incident; Minister […]

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US Charges Three Over ‘Gozi’ Computer Virus that Cost Millions of Dollars

United States law enforcement officials on Wednesday announced charges against three alleged East European cyber thieves accused of stealing banking information from computers across Europe and the United States, including at the space agency NASA. The “alleged international cyber criminals (were) responsible for creating and distributing a computer virus that infected over one million computers […]

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Conversations with Conservatives: Congressmen Weigh in on Debt Ceiling Deal (VIDEO)

In advance of Wednesday’s vote on suspending the debt ceiling, six Republican congressmen joined The Heritage Foundation’s Bloggers Briefing to discuss conservative viewpoints on the budget deal. Not all of the congressmen who spoke were persuaded of the debt extension. Representative Justin Amash (MI) was the first to state he planned to vote no. “I’m […]

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Oil and Gas

FrackNation Sheds Truth on Fracking Debate

Context. That is what Phelim McAleer’s new film FrackNation offers and what so many in the debate over hydraulic fracturing lack. Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, is an unnecessarily controversial method of oil and gas extraction. FrackNation sets the record straight. Instead of Matt Damon’s Promised Land’s completely untrue visuals of pastures of […]

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Obama & Israeli Flag

Obama’s Anti-Zionism

by Daniel Pipes The Washington Times January 22, 2013 N.B.: Some small differences from the Washington Times version, which is titled “Obama second term bodes trouble for Israel” Were Barack Obama re-elected, I predicted two months before the Nov. 2012 presidential vote, “the coldest treatment of Israel ever by a U.S. president will follow.” Well, […]

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