Media Scandal in the Making: CBS Posts Still More of President’s Benghazi Interview

On Sunday night, a full 54 days after the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, CBS finally posted a critically important segment of the 60 Minutes interview with President Obama conducted on September 12. Unbelievably, it was left on the cutting room floor even as 60 Minutes aired a long segment with President Obama criticizing presidential […]

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State Spent $100K to ‘Green Up’ Vienna Embassy 4 Days After Denying Libya Embassy Access to Plane

( – Four days after the security team at the U.S. embassy in Libya was denied further use of a DC-3 plane, the State Department approved $100,000 to “green up” the U.S. embassy in Vienna, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” on Sunday. “What I’ve been pounding home is four days after that […]

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Armed Services Chairman Denounces White House Benghazi Cover-Up and Muzzling of Military Leaders

President Obama should come clean with the American people about what exactly happened in Benghazi, according to the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Buck McKeon (R-CA). In fact, the President is the only one who has all those answers, McKeon says. “The whole thing smacks of a cover-up,” he says. According to […]

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Anti-Conscience Mandate Halted Against Second Family-Owned Business

A second federal district court has granted a preliminary injunction halting enforcement of Obamacare’s conscience-crushing contraception mandate. Late Wednesday, Michigan Federal District Court Judge Robert H. Cleland ruled in favor of family-owned lawn and supply store Weingartz Supply Company and its owner, Daniel Weingartz. Colorado District Court Judge John L. Kanne granted a similar request […]

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Reflecting on the Marriage Question

On Tuesday, citizens in Maryland, Minnesota, Washington, and Maine will consider ballot questions on marriage. While The New York Times doesn’t want citizens deciding the civic meaning and purpose of marriage for themselves, Sherif Girgis and I argue on National Review Online that “we the people” should decide it for ourselves: Citizens should seek to […]

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Unlike Hurricane Sandy, Energy Policy Blackouts Threatening Germany Could Be Avoided

A blackout occurred in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, as more than 8 million people in the northeast were left without power. Millions could remain without power for several more days. Hurricane Sandy was a natural disaster that people could prepare for but couldn’t avoid. Blackouts and brownouts caused by misguided energy policies, however, could […]

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Medicare Roundup 11/2: Setting the Record Straight

In recent weeks, liberal politicians, editorialists, and policy analysts have vigorously attacked reform of Medicare based on defined-contribution financing. In fact, this approach to reforming Medicare has a long bipartisan tradition going back to the 1980s and Representatives Richard Gephardt (D–MO) and David Stockman (R–MI). In fact, much of this criticism is distorted, misleading, or […]

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