Sebelius Misleads the Public on Medicare Advantage

Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius has misled the American public again. HHS just announced that enrollment in Medicare Advantage (MA) is projected to increase by 11 percent next year. That’s good news. But the Secretary goes terribly wrong when she credits the increase to Obamacare, stating, “Thanks to the Affordable Care […]

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Who Is Winning Asia’s Game of Battleship?

Tensions between China and Japan over the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands have increased due to the recent presence of Chinese patrol boats near Japanese waters. Only a handful of Japanese Coast Guard ships currently patrol the Senkaku Island area, and rumors of a flotilla of 1,000 Chinese fishing vessels heading toward the islands could potentially overwhelm […]

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Washington Post Gives Bill Clinton Two “Pinocchios” in Welfare Fact Check

When Bill Clinton is awarded two out of four “Pinocchios” for legitimatizing President Obama’s gutting of welfare’s work requirements as a pro-work move, maybe there’s hope yet for the occasional fact-based assessment of a policy debate from the mainstream media. The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler finds that the former President stretched the truth in defending […]

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Preserve the Constitution: 2012 Event Series

Today we celebrate Constitution Day—the 225th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution at the Constitutional Convention. The U.S. Constitution remains the object of reverence for nearly all Americans, and an object of admiration by people around the world. Sadly, the assault by 20th century liberal theorists and activist judges has seriously undermined respect for […]

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Chart of the Week: Sequestration Reduces Defense as Budget Priority

The Obama Administration released its sequestration report more than a week late, but other than a 9.4 percent reduction in discretionary national defense funding, there are few other details, according to The Heritage Foundation’s Brian Slattery. He describes President Obama’s own budget request as one that would “dramatically shrink” the defense budget. Reductions in the […]

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Texas Should Steer Clear of NCLB Waivers

In a “surprise” move, Texas announced last Thursday that it would seek a No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waiver from the U.S. Department of Education. The Obama Administration’s waivers, touted under the banner of providing “flexibility” and “relief” from the onerous provisions of NCLB, in reality replace the federal overreach of NCLB with more federal […]

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