Secretary Clinton’s Asia Tour: Keep the Pressure on South China Sea

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a 10-day tour of the Asia-Pacific. Certainly there are many things to be discussed over the week-and-a-half visit, but high on the Secretary’s agenda should be the brewing conflict over the South China Sea and assertion of American interests there, including freedom of navigation, the […]

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IAF F-16

U.S. Greatly Reduces Participation in Joint Drill with Israel; Expected Not to Assist if Israel Attacks Iran

Washington has greatly reduced the scale of U.S. participation in a massive joint military exercise with Israel, sources told TIME Magazine on Friday. The drill was postponed seven months ago just as concerns were brimming that Israel would launch a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. It was later rescheduled for late October. The officials told […]

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Union Money in Elections

This election year, millions of Americans will donate to the political candidates and initiatives of their choice at the local, state, and federal levels. But for unionized workers, union dues come out of their paychecks and go to political causes—and they aren’t consulted on where that money will go. In July, The Wall Street Journal’s […]

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Russian “Telephone Justice” for Pussy Riot

Members of the Russian female punk band Pussy Riot, who have become international celebrities as victims of Russian “justice,” on August 17 received two-year jail terms for acts of “hooliganism” against the Russian church. They will be serving their sentence in the allegedly most “lenient incarceration” available, not a particularly reassuring prospect, one would think. […]

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Case Closed at UT Austin: Regnerus Exonerated

In a victory for academic freedom, the University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday made clear that sociologist Mark Regnerus’s study of adults whose parents had same-sex relationships deserves scholarly discussion—not investigation for scientific misconduct. A litany of allegations made by a blogger had triggered an inquiry earlier this summer. In a press release dated […]

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New Report Outlines Iran’s Nuclear Progress as Tehran Counterattacks with Misaligned Summit

The latest report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has documented Iran’s continued progress towards attaining a nuclear weapons capacity. Iran more than doubled the number of centrifuges—from 1,064 in May to 2,140—installed in the Fordo uranium enrichment facility, which is buried deep under a mountain and hardened against a possible attack. Tehran claims […]

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Chart of the Week: Medicare Spending Is Main Cause of Runaway Deficits

Medicare is getting quite a bit of attention lately. And rightly so. Out-of-control entitlement spending contributes directly to long-term federal deficits, which will accelerate over the course of the next few decades, according to Heritage’s Federal Budget in Pictures and figures provided by the Congressional Budget Office. By 2030, Medicare alone will surpass other entitlement […]

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