A View from the Border

How goes the battle for the border? Heritage Foundation Latin American specialist Ray Walser and I spent some time on the border at Laredo, Texas, with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the U.S. Border Patrol. Laredo is America’s largest inland port of entry. Last year, 1.64 million trucks passed through the port, representing about $70 […]

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Chart of the Week: Taxing the Wealthy to Cover Future Deficits Won’t Work

Democrats on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction last week floated a proposal that includes massive tax increases on wealthy Americans. While their plan would also include some cuts to entitlement programs, the tax-code changes make up a significant portion, according to press reports. The Los Angeles Times reported: “Revenue would be raised mostly […]

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Myths of Austerity Failures

Evidence shows that “austerity” during a sharp downturn in 1920 coincided with quick economic recovery and robust growth throughout the rest of the decade. Nevertheless, there is a belief that the example of President Herbert Hoover from 1929–1933 was a failure of austerity, which pushed the economy into the Great Depression. It was not. Hoover […]

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Obama’s Misplaced Mideast Optimism

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online October 25, 2011 Confidently commenting on the execution of Libya’s long-time dictator, Barack Obama stated that “the death of Mu’ammar al-Qaddafi showed that our role in protecting the Libyan people, and helping them break free from a tyrant, was the right thing to do.” About his own decision to […]

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A Leaner, but Not Meaner, Military

The echo chamber of Washington is hard at work. The consensus is growing that the U.S. military will need to aim for a slimmer but still perfectly effective military, thanks to the budget and capability cuts of the past three years. However, given the magnitude of ongoing defense budget cuts, a hollowing force simply does […]

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Principles of Plenty

Speech by Congressman McClintock given to the California Independent Automobile Dealers Association We are in the third year of policies predicated on the assumption that if Government just injects enough money into the economy, it can jump start consumer spending and therefore, economic growth. For three years, this administration has squandered more than a trillion […]

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