What’s Down There? China’s Tunnels and Nuclear Capabilities

Recent news reports have highlighted Chinese construction of a system of underground tunnels and raised serious questions about what they might imply regarding China’s nuclear capabilities. One story highlighted that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) may have some 3,000 miles of tunnels, sufficient to move systems underground across the breadth of the country. Much […]

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Over 2,400 Tea Partiers Arrested

Newspaper headlines in New York on Sunday, October 16, 2011 report on the Occupy Wall Street protest in Times Square the previous day. The liberal perspective on the “Occupy” movement is really something spectacular. Before the movement had really even announced a position or set of “demands,” progressives were pushing each other out of the […]

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Germany Will Not Procure MEADS

The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) took a hit when the German government decided to withdraw its support for the system. MEADS is a ground-based terminal ballistic missile defense (BMD) system developed jointly by the United States, Italy, and Germany. Germany’s step is not surprising. In February, the U.S. Department of Defense decided to […]

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House Cloakroom: October 24 – October 28

House Cloakroom: October 24 – October 28 Analysis: This week the House will take up two important changes to the tax code.  The first would change the way income is calculated when with respect to eligibility requirements for certain healthcare tax benefits.  The second would end the 3% withholding on payments to businesses by the […]

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Politics Trumps Security in Obama’s Bungled Troop Negotiations with Iraq

After denying last week that the negotiations to extend the U.S. troop presence in Iraq were failing, the Obama Administration pivoted on Friday as President Obama announced that the U.S. troop presence would not be extended. The President sought to turn a dangerous outcome for Iraq’s security and the war against terrorists into a political […]

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Solyndra to Auction Assets, But Taxpayers Won’t See a Dime

As part of its bankruptcy proceedings, defunct solar company Solyndra will auction off thousands of items from its California production facility on Nov. 2 and 3. But taxpayers won’t see a dime of the proceeds, due to the Energy Department’s decision to subordinate taxpayers to Solyndra’s private financiers in repayment of their investments. As I […]

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Big Labor Steps Up Its Material Support for ‘Occupy’ Protests

Apparently seeking to capitalize on a political movement that shares its general political vision, Big Labor has stepped up its material support for the “Occupy” protesters. Scribe noted this week that the AFL-CIO union had taken out advertisements supporting the protests. According to a report from the Washington Post, though, their support extends far beyond paid […]

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